Sunday Service 10:30 AM (518) 661-6566
Games & Giggles This group is open to everyone and takes place on the first Friday each month from 10 to noon. Speak to Carol Mason 518-661-6685 or Crystal Hinkle 518-661-6314 for more information, come join the fun!
Food Pantry Dates Jan. 14th and 28th. Donations of cereal, soup, potatoes or pasta and sauce in January would be appreciated.
January 19th Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting will be held during coffee hour on Sunday Jan. 19th. Committee heads, chairmen of events and heads of service projects should send or give reports to Janis Frish asap. It would be easiest for her if you emailed them to her at Please all consider attending we will be reviewing the year, vote on the pastor’s terms of call, elect new ruling elders and discuss the business of the church.
January 21 The Building and Grounds committee will meet at 4pm.
January 26th Installation and Ordination of Elders The ordination and installation of the elders nominated and elected at our annual meeting will occur during the church service.
NLH Quilters will meet February 13th on the second Thursday at 10 am. Please bring a lunch and enjoy working together making quilts for Palliative patients at NLH. All are welcome. There are many jobs other than sewing! See Nancy Frank or Cindy Davidson.
The Parkinson’s Advocacy and Education Group will meet on Jan, 16th Thursday at 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall for discussions and guest speakers. All are welcome.
Bible Study takes place each Tuesday at 6pm. The Bible
Study - “The Old Testament Thru Jewish Eyes” by Rabbi Evan Moffic started on Jan. 7th. Bible studies are available in person at church, on Zoom or on Facebook Live. All are welcome to join. Call the church office 518-661-6566 and leave your name and email address to receive a Zoom invitation.
Needleworkers and Painters Women of the church and friends meet on Wednesdays from 9 to 11am each week to knit crochet, hem, paint and talk for two hours of friendship.
MONTHLY CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Rev. Ted Wright convenes a monthly support group for those affected by cancer. It is held on Zoom the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm. And ALL are eligible to attend this monthly online support group: “Living with Cancer.” Here is the Zoom link: j/82596986007?pwd=OU51VS9aNVRBRjd0Q1FDT0lDcTNyUT09 We are faith-based but not judgmental, confidential but not closed. We've been at this now for 6.5 years by constantly welcoming newcomers. Questions? Feel free to ask by writing back.
Albany Presbytery and Mam Presbyterio Prayer Partners/Compañeros de oració
In March of this year, the Albany Presbytery team had a most productive meeting with the leadership of the Mam Presbytery. Among our sharing was their demonstrating to us their innovative way of exploring the Bible in churches, a true sharing of the joys and struggles in ministry, and a desire to establish prayer partners among our congregations.
Mayfield Presbyterian Church has been paired with Agua Blanca Aldea Church in San Juan Ostuncalco. We will mention them in prayer each Sunday and as we establish a relationship with the church we will find out specific needs that they have for prayer. This is simply a prayer partnership. Who doesn’t need a little more prayer. Agua Blanca Aldea Church will also be praying for Mayfield Pres every Sunday also.
If you have particular prayers that you think our church can use, please let Pastor Bonnie know., Periodically we will update you on the prayer partnership and let you know more about our prayer partner church in Guatemala.
The Mission of the Month for January is HAVEN OF HOPE, Fonda, NY. This is a facility that houses battered women and children and those who have no place to live after leaving prison. Please visit their store they have delicious goodies for sale. Donations made be made in the Pink envelopes in the pews.
October 20th CONFIRMATION CLASS Pastor Bonnie will be doing a confirmation class for young adults thirteen years and older. After completion these youth will be accepted into membership of the church. The confirmation curriculum is called Changing the World, Confirmation for the Missional Church. Class will begin after church on Sunday, October 20th. Lunch will be provided.
Albany Presbytery and Mam Presbyterio Prayer Partners/Compañeros de oració
In March of this year, the Albany Presbytery team had a most productive meeting with the leadership of the Mam Presbytery. Among our sharing was their demonstrating to us their innovative way of exploring the Bible in churches, a true sharing of the joys and struggles in ministry, and a desire to establish prayer partners among our congregations.
Mayfield Presbyterian Church has been paired with Agua Blanca Aldea Church in San Juan Ostuncalco. We will mention them in prayer each Sunday and as we establish a relationship with the church we will find out specific needs that they have for prayer. This is simply a prayer partnership. Who doesn’t need a little more prayer. Agua Blanca Aldea Church will also be praying for Mayfield Pres every Sunday also.
If you have particular prayers that you think our church can use, please let Pastor Bonnie know., Periodically we will update you on the prayer partnership and let you know more about our prayer partner church in Guatemala.
New Members We will be taking in new members in February. If you would like to officially join our congregation, please see Pastor Bonnie.
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