Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In 1989, the movie Field of Dreams took a lot of film critics by surprise. Field of Dreams was not only a huge box office hit, but it has grown to be a cult classic. This movie is about an Iowa farmer who listens to the advice of a voice that he hears and builds a baseball diamond in his cornfield. The voice said, “If you build it, they will come.”

This film has become a symbol of hope for thousands of people suffering from dream-deficiency. Field of Dreams struck deeply in America’s psyche – offering a positive alternative to an American dream that for too many had become a nightmare. The phrase “field of dreams” has moved beyond its movie roots and has entered our language as a metaphor. There are now calls for a new field of dreams for planet earth; a new field of Dreams for America; a new field of dreams for science.

Field of dreams has become an allegory for daring, optimism, hope, and visioning. In the book of Acts, Peter addresses a crowd of people and says, “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)

As you and I dream, this is the time for remembering where the church came from, how the church came to be, what the purpose of the church is, and where the church is going. We should envision what the church could be, what its field of dreams could look like, and start working to bring that dream to reality.

What is our dream for Mayfield Presbyterian Church? Over two hundred twenty-eight years ago, a group of people from this area heard the voice of God say - If you build it, they will come. Out of that voice, Mayfield Presbyterian Church was born. I can only imagine the excitement, hope, daring, optimism, and visioning that was present as they built the first church.

For many Christians today, the pandemic, rioting, protesting, racial tensions, and more have challenged their faith and connection to the church. Despite all the obstacles facing the world, the United States of America, and the church universal, the church never really closed.

All this has caused us to dare to dream a new reality for the ministry of the church. On-line services, new technologies, texting, social media, emailing, phone calls have all become creative ways of ministering in the name of Jesus Christ. As we prepare to physically reopen the church on September 13, Mayfield Presbyterian Church continues to dream the impossible amid the chaos of an uncertain tomorrow. What is our dream for Mayfield Presbyterian Church? Our motto says it all, “We enter as strangers, we leave as friends.” Friends in Christ, sharing the Good News and love. Join us in sharing this dream for our church and world, either in person at worship beginning September 13 or online on Zoom, Facebook live or YouTube.


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Bonnie.


Church email address:

Check out our website:


A Summary of Makins Summer Internship

I envisioned my internship as something that I was going to be actively involved with people in person from the onset but due to the “new normal” which is Covid-19 it did not go as planned. My internship at Mayfield Central Presbyterian Church was very exciting, especially getting to know the warm and passionate congregation.

My experience over the last three months has prepared me for online ministry but importantly it gives a different perspective of how things are done in and out of the church. My experience with leading Bible Study online for the first time has improved my level of confidence for public speaking and more ways to be effective. Teaching online goes beyond your comfort zone because technology has its way of controlling things at times, so it is always good to have another plan as backup. One of the good things about ministering online is that the message reaches out to so many people, not just the intended audience.

Working with Rev. Bonnie Orth was a joyous one and has made me sense my parts of my calling and vocation even though I am still trusting in God that it can be reveal clearly but I have a sense of direction. My daily activities have been very inspiring especially having an experience of working as a student chaplain at Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

One of my favorite moments was working with church members for the Chicken Barbeque. Interestingly, I was asked to slice all the butter for the pie crust which took almost three hours but so much fun with the team trying to finish in time. I laughed the entire time because I was called “the butter girl” which was just funny. I guess the saying is true, whenever you play with a specific food for a long period of time there is a tendency of you not wanting to have it for some time. I am sure that is how I feel right now about butter.

More to this, I met people I have been interacting online and it just felt so good to see them in person.  The experience of receiving the warm welcome and hearing how much I have grown with all the love and support was truly an example of being a part of the body of Christ.

My first sermon online was very challenging because I have never taken any class in preaching before, but I was relieved and felt safe especially working with someone who has been in Ministry for twenty-five years. Rev. Bonnie made it her duty to make me comfortable as possible as she could, but I was still afraid because it was my first time. After the sermon, I received feedback from some of the elders and members of the church which made me to understand that trying anything for the first time is not all that bad.

In my experience, ministry is so much different from what is taught in school because most times you have all your plans  but because you are working with  people you get to experience different things you did not plan because you will not always be in control.

Another aspect of my internship that was interesting was my 90 Second Sermon. This task was challenging because working within a given time just made me felt uncomfortable especially making sure I was understood. I am grateful to God for Rev. Orth because I learned so much more than I could imagine.

The relationship I have with Rev. Orth tells me you cannot be in ministry if you do have passion. It should bring you joy because she taught me everything in love even if it was a constructive critique. She is one of the main reasons my internship felt very short because I cannot believe three months went by so fast.

I tried new things for the first time. I went for a boat ride, rode a jet ski, and even took few swimming lesson from Mary Disanto-Rose which was very exciting. I did not like water very much but being around Jay Orth makes everything feel lively especially riding with him on the boat. Jay is also my number one fan who believes in me so much because I receive positive vibes and energy whenever I am around him.

I am sure that I have a pretty smile because that was the many compliments I received from the congregation. One of the joys being an intern at a rural church is you get to be a part of everything which can sometimes be tiring but also you do not miss out on anything. You also get to experience what the body of Christ is about because the congregation at Mayfield Presbyterian Church shows you the importance of being a part of a family.

There is nothing that makes me feel happy other than seeing older folks on fire for God and that is exactly the congregation I met. I have learned so much more than I expected, and I am grateful that I joined the Mayfield Presbyterian Church to experience the practical aspect of ministry.

I am returning to Princeton Theological Seminary to continue my studies for fall semester, starting up with a year-long internship at Urban Promise in Trenton. Hopefully looking forward to graduating in May 2021.

I will miss everyone, but It was a terrific summer experience!

Makins Bask-Johnson




September 13  10:30 Worship –Welcome Back

We will return to our 10:30 worship time on September 13 as well as continue online.


The GOOD NEWS is that our church will reopen on September 13, for Sunday morning services.  While this is good news that we have been waiting for, being able to reopen will include many changes.  Our primary goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy. However, if you are medically compromised, have a temperature, a cough or have been around someone with the COVID19 virus, we ask you to stay home and worship online with us.

1.      There will be a limited number of seating spaces available due to social distancing.  Please call the church if you plan to attend and state the number in your group.  (518-661-6566) This will help with seating.  (Please note that additional handicap spaces will be available at the front door entrance.)

2.      Everyone will be required to wear a mask upon entering the church and during the service.  (If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.)

3.      Those prayer hands will need to be sanitized, temperatures will be taken and your name will be noted on a sign-in sheet along with answers to three simple health questions.

4.      Arrows on the floor will direct traffic and Elders will seat you.

5.      We will not have printed bulletins.  The order of worship will be displayed on the screens at the front of the sanctuary.

6.      Offerings will be received in one very lovely handmade bowl (by Mary Seaman) that will be located in the center of the walkway instead of being passed.

7.      Unfortunately, we will not be able to sing hymns but “humming” will be allowed if you choose to do so.

8.      At the end of the service, everyone will be dismissed by rows.

9.      Lastly, we will not be able to enjoy coffee hour in fellowship hall.

While this all may sound negative, the good news is that we will finally be able to come to church for services.  Yes, it will be very different, but so much of our lives are very different right now.  We can meet for worship as the church family and pray that God will keep us safe.

The online services will continue for the foreseeable future for anyone who feels safer by “going to church” at home.  The most important thing that won’t change is our love and fellowship that we share with each other. Whether you are online or in person, we look forward to celebrating our worship service with you.


September  15  Bible Study –

          We will be offering Bible study by Zoom for now. We will hold Bible study on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.n. Our first Bible study will begin on Tuesday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. Our first study will be “Why?” by Adam Hamilton. Please join us. Here is the information that you need to enter the Zoom call. If you need help figuring out how to use Zoom, please call the church and Pastor Bonnie will help you.


Topic: Tuesday Bible Study

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 422 248 3250

Passcode: 982282

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,4222483250#,,,,,,0#,,982282# US (New York)

+13017158592,,4222483250#,,,,,,0#,,982282# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 422 248 3250

Passcode: 982282



September 26  Session Meeting

The Session will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 26.  Speak to Janis Frisch or Rev. Bonnie if you  have something to bring before the Session.




Rummage Sale

It has been decided that we will not have a Rummage Sale this fall because of the pandemic and the protocols on the use of the building.



What a crazy barbecue?! I knew it was going to be a different animal because of the pandemic and drive thru only. I didn’t realize what a great feeling it would be…even  though I was extremely exhausted.  We managed to pre-sell 550 dinners and probably could have sold 150 more that afternoon with just people pulling in. Everyone did such a great job helping out. Crystal took charge of the pie party and had a crew of almost 20 people making over 80 pies. Thank you for all of the donations of fruit, rhubarb and VODKA. Sandra Ann made sure the pies were cut and supplied for all the dinners with her crew. Elaine took charge with the cabbage salad prep and placing in containers.  All the guys helping with the set up and take down, Bonnie manning the phones for ticket reservations, my mom for distributing all the tickets at a phone calls notice…so much help that made all go so smoothly.  With everyone’s help we made over $3400. Thank you so much for all your help. Expect a call next year!!!  Debra J. Hall



We are waiting to see how the school opening goes this fall before we start Sunday School.




Even though the church has been closed we have been busy finishing some projects. These include the following:

1.      A new surveillance system with 4 cameras has been installed.

2.      The AC and heating system have been checked and maintenance completed.

3.      New shrubs have been planted at the labyrinth and many weeds have been removed.

4.      The grounds around the garage have been cleaned and new garage lights installed.

5.      The driveway has been sealed and new lines painted.

6.      Jay finished the wooden cross project in front of the church. (Thanks for a great job!)

7.      Memorial stain glass crosses have been put up in the sanctuary windows.

8.      The memorial bricks have been placed along the walkway of the labyrinth. Commemorative bricks are still available and can be ordered by contacting me at 518-224-2081.

9.      COVID19 protocols for the church have been established.

We are hoping to have the hallways and the community center painted before the opening of the church.

These enhancements to our beautiful church are made possible through the continued support of our congregation and friends. Thank you all very much and please take time to enjoy all of the changes when you return.

Gary DiSanto-Rose



One of the features of our church directory format is the ability to edit our information every year, i.e. we can add, subtract, correct and improve the existing directory.  So I am inviting you to send corrections, additions and information that you would like to share with our church family. 


I would hope that many of the “cross” photos will be replaced by a picture of the person named adjacent to that cross. You can submit a photo of your own or, at a later date, we will be having a time when your photo can be taken at church.  Also, you canscan your photo and send it to Jessica Ford (  She is the mastermind at putting these books together .  Identify it with your name and thatnit is for the Mayfield Presbyterian Church directory.


I have made many corrections in the master copyof the directory which is in the church office but if you have some, please let me know (725-2041).  It is bestto funnel these changes in one direction but as a last resort, you can phone the church and leave a message (661-6566).


Our plan is to issue the new pages at the next congregational meeting.  The deadline for changes is November 15 to give Jessica thenecessary time to put it together.   Mary Lou Bryan



Fall is fast approaching and so is our annual CROP WALK, now scheduled for The second Sunday in October (Oct. 11).  We will gather in the parking lot after service and leave from there.  It is time to start letting me or Jane Brower know if you are planning to walk and begin gathering pledges.  As usual we will ask for a flat donation since our walk is rather small.  We will have posters at church to be put up in the community beginning on September 13, when we have our grand re-opening as well as envelopes and forms for monetary collections.  Very soon I am hoping to have a web page up where folks can make donations on line as well. 


As we all know, because of COVID, there are many more hungry people out there and in other countries.  The more walkers we can get, the better our bottom line will be.  I am always impressed with how much we raise in spite of being a small group!  Hopefully this year we can be as successful.  Please call if you need more info or would like to volunteer to help with organizing our walk.  518-567-8341 for Mary Seaman or  518-332-8600 for Jane Brower.


Looking forward to see you all again soon!  And to making this year’s CROP WALK  a successful one.


Mary Seaman and Jane Brower 





Hello all, I know you think it may be to early, but here it comes. I’m going to start collecting the copy paper boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you know anyone who can save them for me let them know.


We have been open and busy all summer passing out food to our clients. We take the food to the cars to social distance and wear masks. We could use more help, if you”re interested let me know. Thank for your support, can’t wait to see you guys again.  Crystal


…that Kelly Donovan and Miles Compani were the recipients of the 2020 Niles Scholarship this June.  Kelly will attend SUNY Plattsburgh.  Her goal is to get her master’s degree in English Literature. Miles will attend Clarkson University in the Engineering & Management Program.  We wish them well with all their future endeavors.


…that the Upper Room is available outside the back door in a  covered plastic container.  Pick one up whenever you like.




Kevin Putman                                     September 1

Janis Frisch                                         September 3

Lee Schopmeier                                  September 4

Sherin Akey                                        September 8

Denny Van Nostrand              September 9

Tom Jacobs                                         September 9

Barbara Hatcher                                  September 14

Dorothy Person-Burdick         September 14

John Magee                                         September 14

Carol Parry                                          September 15

Russell Ford                                        September 18

Ed Fitzgerald                                      September 19

Meara Fitzgerald                                 September 19, 2006

Mikayla Bordelon                               September 19

Hank Gieseler                                     September 21

Deb Lair                                                          September 22

Terry Young                                       September 22

Rhiannon Donde                                 September23

Katie Frisch                                         September 26, 2000

Don Perry                                                        September 26

Bill Brink                                                        September 26

Larry Akey                                         September 28

Ann Mallin                                          September 29

Georgia Dutcher                                 September 29