Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I wanted to offer you some reflections on where “here” is in our ministry together. I'm finding it difficult to believe that I've been with you at Mayfield for seventeen years now...  How the time has flown by!  My ministry officially began here October 1, 2001 shortly after September 11, 2001 rocked our world.  One of the challenges I was given on this journey was to be the pastor to take Mayfield through the fire and beyond. Well, here you are, and a few years beyond that.

It's interesting to see just where "here" is.  As I became acquainted with Mayfield in those early days I learned of the challenges we would face together: an aging building (taken care of by the fire, although not without a great deal of grief and pain), a growing separation between the church and schools, budget shortfalls, no computers (to speak of) or computer wiring infrastructure, a barely functioning and inadequate phone system... the list could go on.

Now, however, the list of issues is different.  Sure, we have no mortgage, the building is in great shape and being kept up, the church and school play well together (generally), the finances are in good order, the Endowment fund has been doing well to provide for ongoing ministry and future security, we have decent computers where they're needed and all the classrooms and offices are wired and networked, the phone/voicemail system is modern and helpful.  You've worked hard and accomplished a lot!!!!

But still there are issues...  Yes, we're stable and healthy, but there is more to being a church than that.  Stability brings its own dangers: complacency, fear of change, self-satisfaction...  All people and organizations need to re-invent themselves from time to time, to rethink the "whys" of their existence, and be ready to change direction as needed. Churches all over the country are struggling, Sunday schools in many churches are non-existent. Our session will be evaluating current programs and direction and will be preparing a summary of needed changes and suggestions for new directions.  New things are coming!

Yours in Christ,


Other Fall News
One of the new changes is to include children into our Something Beautiful service every month. This will allow the children to learn more about the worship service, how it runs and why we do what we do, as well as having a service that is more tailored to the whole family. This will also allow the Sunday school teachers to participate in worship once a month. Our first Something Beautiful Sunday will feature the book, Why Noah Chose The Dove. We will need your help. Please volunteer to take a one sentence reading of an animal that will be used during the service.

September 9  10:30 Worship

& Sunday School Rally Day

Beginning Sunday, September 9th, we are going back to our normal worship schedule, with 10:30 am worship service.  Most people indicate that they do like the earlier service in the summer and it allows us to experiment with different worship ideas each year. But it is time to get back to our normal schedule. Sunday school will begin that day with a special story as part of the church service.  It is also Something Beautiful Sunday!


September  10 & 11  Bible Study

Bible study will resume on Monday, September 10 at noon and Tuesday, September 11 at 5:00 pm. Our first Bible study will be called Responding to God by Martha Graybeal Rowlett. Please see Pastor Bonnie to get a copy of the Bible study. The entire year has been planned and we have some exciting studies planned. We hope you will join us!  If you come Monday at noon, feel free to bring your lunch.


September 23  Biblical Storyteller

Please mark your calendar for September 23 worship at 10:30 am. Juliana Rowe, International Biblical Storyteller, will join us to tell the book of Esther. Juliana is an amazing storyteller and we are blessed to have her here at Mayfield. Please take time to read the book of Esther so you will be prepared. We will also have a pot luck luncheon to follow as we celebrate Juliana’s gifts and we remember the Jewish holiday of Purim on which the book is based. Please bring a dish to pass or just bring yourself,

September 24  Session Meeting

The Session will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 24.  Speak to Janis Frisch or Rev. Bonnie if you  have something to bring before the Session.


September 30    Pastor Appreciation Day

Our sixth annual Pastor Appreciation Sunday will be held on September 30.  Mark your calendars and plan to be at the church for this special celebration.  We will also mark Pastor Bonnie’s 17th anniversary as our pastor.  We will have a salad luncheon during coffee hour.  Anyone who would like to help can speak to Nancy Frank (661-5328).


October 3  PW Night in Liberia

On Wednesday, October 3at 6 p.m. the women of the church will host another special program  -" A PW NIGHT IN LIBERIA".  Again this year we have chosen our menu from Liberia and again Victor’s school that he will be starting when he returns to Liberia next year will be the recipient of our offering along with Presbyterian Relief Fund, which supplies relief supplies after every major disaster in this country and around the world.  Sign up on the sign-up board to help and to let us know if you are coming or call Ann Mallin (773-8198) or Mary Lou Bryan (725-2041).

October 6  Craft Fair & Blessing of the Animals

On October 6th we will hold our 23rd annual craft show.  That day Pastor Bonnie will be doing a blessing of the animals from 11:00 am - noon and Nancy’s beautiful quilt “Pinwheel Baskets” will be raffled off at 3:30.  We are looking for donations for Granny’s Attic (nicer household knick knacks, Christmas items, etc.)  We will also need baked goods and homemade items for the ladies’ table and pots of chicken or hamburg soup.  This year we will be selling our soup by the quart for take-out, so many pots will be needed.  Anyone interested in helping in any capacity or knows of anyone interested in a craft table, please see Sue Cichy. Sign up sheets will also be on the board.  Quarts of soup can be ordered by calling 518-661-6566 (please leave your name, amount wanted and your telephone number).


Blessing of the Animals  will take place also that day at 11:00 pm as part of our annual craft show. Bring your pet on a leash or in a cage for a blessing. Animals refer to all the living creatures people bring to worship—such as cats and dogs, birds, reptiles, and fish, domesticated or wild. When people are not able to bring an animal, they may wish to bring a picture of an animal they love or an endangered species in the wild. This is a public expression of the bond we have with all animals.  This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is October 4.


October 7  World Wide Communion Sunday

On Sunday, October 7th we will join with Christians around the world at the Lord’s Table during worship art 10:30 am.

October 9  Interfaith Tea

Plans are underway for the Interfaith Tea which will be held at the Johnstown Reformed Church on Tuesday, October 9 at noon.  Sign-up for refreshments will be on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall or ask Libby VanNostrand your questions.


October 26 & 27  Rummage Sale

PW’s Fall Rummage Sale will be held Friday, October 26 from 7:00 am to noon and again on Saturday.  Since storage space is limited we ask that you do not bring in rummage until two weeks before (after October 7).  This will allow us to keep the coat area available and the church looking presentable.



Thank you so much to everyone who contributed and/or helped in any way in making this year’s Chicken BBQ a big success!  We sold the chicken, potatoes, salad and pies that were left over on Sunday which helped make a profit.    The date has been reserved with Brooks for next year – 7/27/2019.

Thank you,  Lori Kucel



Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 9 and everyone is encouraged to BRING A FRIEND.  On the second Sunday of the month we will be staying in church for a special Something Beautiful Story and to learn more about the church service.  This year we will be studying more Bible stories and learning to tell them through puppets and our flannel board and even do some acting.  They will also be using new and creative ways to interest the children.  They always need helpers and welcome new ideas and people!


Members of the worship committee are working with Pastor Bonnie to help make “Rally Day” (September 9th) – when we welcome the children back for Sunday school classes – fun and interesting.  The sermon will be based on the story “Why Noah Chose the Dove” and will have “congregation participation”. 


We are also helping with the service on September 23rd when storyteller, Juliana Rowe, will be “telling” the story of Esther.  In celebration of Purim (the Jewish holiday of first food) we will sample “Haaman’s Ears” along with a covered dish luncheon at Coffee Hour. 


Breads from various countries will be “broken” during World Communion on October 7th.  The children will be taking part in the service that day.


In celebration of Pastor Appreciation Sunday on September 23rd we are working on special ways to “appreciate” Bonnie.  See a committee member if you would like to help.


A reminder to everyone: try to remember to bring items for Something Beautiful Sunday – the second Sunday each month.



Choir members, take note.  We will practice at 9:30 on September 23 before singing for the  church service.  It will be an easy already sung piece.

Our regular practices will begin on Tuesday, September 25 at 6:30.  Please join us for our practices.  We have more robes and more music folders and always welcome new voices.


It’s been a hot summer weeding around the labyrinth but we are almost done. We have one more section to weed and mulch and then we can decide on what to plant. We will meet on Monday, Sept. 10th @5:00 and will appreciate anyone who can help so we can finish this project! Soon we will have information on how you can donate a brick in memory or in honor of a loved one. The air conditioner was also repaired this summer and we ask that if the fan is turned on for a function, it should be reset to the auto mode at the end of the event. Other items completed were replaced ceiling tiles, air filters changed, refrigerator handle was replaced, and a new automatic blind was placed in the kitchen. Many thanks to my committee for their hard work and talented skills that help to keep our church functioning properly.     Gary DiSanto-Rose




Did you know that you can bring school supplies for Victor’s school all during this year?  We will be collecting them until next spring.  Victor has expressed a desire to have a backpack for each child in the school.



Thank you for your support of  our food pantry mission.  Also, thanks to all who volunteer to pass out food and pick up food from Regional Food Pantry in Gloversville.  The volunteer list is still posted in Fellowship Hall and there are openings available.
There will be a Food Pantry meeting on Tuesday, Sept 18 at 3:00 pm.  We are always grateful for any food donations.  Soup will be most needed once school starts.  Thanks again!  Crystal


We are scheduled to serve at Friday’s Table at Holy Spirit Community Center on Friday, Setember 21st.    All are welcome and we range in age from 9 to 86 years young!  We gather at Holy Spirit Community Center, 161 South Main St., Gloversville at 3:30 pm or whenever folks can get there!  We usually serve roast pork, carrots and roast potatoes!  The bread, salad fixings and desserts are all donated by Price Chopper and Hannaford.


If you can join us please arrive at 3:30 pm or whenever you can, we serve at 5:30 pm, and we are all cleaned up by about 6:30 pm, amazing!  Please let Mary DiSanto-Rose at or 518-224-2080 know if you can come.


Now that our summer break is over this committee will be busy with fall and winter activities.  We are trying to think of something to do for our veterans.  The knitters are busy making hats and mittens again this year to help keep our children warm when the snow and cold arrives.  

The committee will make sweet breads for Thanksgiving and cookies for Christmas for our shut-ins and those who are unable to get to church when the weather is bad.  The cards that are sent to them are appreciated and really seem to lift their spirits.  They say it is nice to know that we are thinking of them and keeping them in our prayers.   I plan on asking Kelly Wager to have the Sunday School children make cards for them.  It brightens their day to receive them and see their art work.


If you have any thoughts about what the committee can do to help our members and friends please let one of the committee members know.  The members are Bonnie Orth, Jay Orth, Judy Betler, Leslie Lanza, Colleen Ulrich, Marion Viglione and Casey Warner.



…that over 40 kids participated in Vacation Bible Schoool again this summer?  Thank you to all who helped make it another successful, fun-filled week.


…that Katie Frisch and Jack Hart were awarded the Niles Schlarship in June.  Katie will be going to Siena College and Jack to FMCC before going on to SUNY Oswego.



Kevin Putman                                     September 1

Janis Frisch                                         September 3

Sherin Akey                                        September 8

Denny Van Nostrand              September 9

Tom Jacobs                                         September 9

Brianne Walrath                                  September 12

Dave Evans                                         September 14

Barbara Hatcher                                  September 14

Dorothy Person-Burdick        September 14

Carol Parry                                         September 15

Mid Ellithorpe                                                September 18

Russell Ford                                        September 18

Ed Fitzgerald                                       September 19

Meara Fitzgerald                                 September 19, 2006

Mikayla Simek                                    September 19

Hank Gieseler                                     September 21

Deb Lair                                                          September 22

Terry Young                                       September 22

Rhiannon Donde                                 September 23

Katie Frisch                                        September 26, 2000

Don Perry                                                       September 26

Larry Akey                                         September 28

Ann Mallin                                         September 29

Georgia Dutcher                                  September 29