Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As I took Victor back to Princeton, I did a lot of reflecting. What an amazing summer we have experienced with Victor! His love of the Lord is so evident that it is impossible to meet him and not know that you have been touched by God. As many of you know, I was very worried about how he would adjust and fit into our church family, but God had everything under control and it was perfect.
Thinking about that caused me to reflect on our ministry together nurturing and helping field education students at Princeton Seminary discern their calls from God. Victor was our sixth student and I continue to be amazed at how our congregation embraces this ministry, gets to know the students, and welcomes them into our church family. This church was made to mentor field education students!
Many of you may not realize what an important part field education plays in becoming a pastor. Seminary teaches you the theology you need, the skills essential to successful ministry and all of the academics that you ever wanted but were afraid to ask for. But field education is where you get the practical experience, the real-life, day to day, down-in-the trenches ministry that will make or break you as a pastor.
When I was deciding between five seminaries as I was discerning my call to ministry, the deciding factor for me was the field education program that they offered. Louisville required field education each year and not just one unit. Being an experiential learner, I knew that was where I needed to go. I was not wrong!
My field education was amazing. Two units of CPE, one in India, one at the University of Louisville Medical Center, a level one trauma center, a year of Hospice where I did thirteen funerals my first year in seminary, and two years at First Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana.
At Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary I learned how to become a minister, at First Pres in Jeffersonville, I learned how to become a pastor. They have been a field education church for more than fifty years and it has become an essential part of their ministry. I was so blessed to have spent time with, learned from, and been loved by these amazing people.
Which brings me to my final pondering on my return drive back to Princeton with Victor. I have received a letter from First Pres Jeffersonville announcing the retirement of the Rev. Don Summerfield, my field education supervisor. Don was a great supervisor, teaching me everything that he possibly could. We shared a lot together and Don co-officiated at Jay’s and my wedding. I am so grateful to Don for all his wisdom, practical advice, teaching and love. It made me a much better pastor! I wish Don the best as he begins life in retirement and I pray for all the people at First Pres as they move in the new direction in which God is leading them.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Bonnie
September9Anniversary Celebration Dinner
On Saturday, September 9 at 6:00 pm we will be celebrating our 225th anniversary with a family style dinner catered by the C & R Restaurant(turkey and roast beef, mashed potatoes and carrots, tossed salad and dessert) and light entertainment (special guests, reminiscing, music, songs, fun and fellowship). The cost is $20.00 per person and reservations must be made with Mary Lou Bryan or Nancy Frank.
September 1010:30 Worship & Sunday School Rally Day
We will return to our 10:30 worship time on September 10and Sunday school will begin that day. We will commission our teachers and welcome our students back from summer vacation.
September 11 & 12 Bible Study
Bible study will begin on Monday, September 11 at noon and Tuesday, September 12 at 5:00 pm. We will finish the Bible study, Half Truths, that we left off in June and then begin one on Moses. All are welcome to attend. If you come Monday at noon, feel free to bring your lunch.
September 13Mayfield Youth Group
Beginning on Wednesday, September 13 and continuing every Wednesday, we will be starting a youth group for all youth in the Mayfield area. We will have Bible stories, songs, games, fun, mission and once a month a pizza and praise party. Please spread the word, 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are also welcoming donations of snacks and refreshments to serve. We also need people who are interested in helping us get this up and running again. It is
so important to provide a place where our youth can find a place to gather, learn about God and understand what it means to be a disciple in our world today.
September 24Pastor Appreciation Day
Our fifth annual Pastor Appreciation Sunday will be held on September 24. Mark your calendars and plan to be at the church for this special celebration. We will also mark Pastor Bonnie’s 16th anniversary as our pastor. Anyone who would like to help can speak to Nancy Frank (661-5328).
September 25Session Meeting
The Session will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 25. Speak to Janis Frisch or Rev. Bonnie if youhave something to bring before the Session.
October 4PW Night in Liberia
On Wednesday, October 4 at 6 p.m. the women of the church will host another special program-" A PW NIGHT IN LIBERIA". This year we have chosen our menu from Liberia. Victor’s school that he will be starting when he returns to Liberia next year will be the recipient of our offering along with Presbyterian Relief Fund, which supplies relief supplies after every major disaster in this country and around the world. Sign up on the sign-up board to help and to let us know if you are coming or call Ann Mallin (773-8198) or Chris Dahl (661-5800).
October 7Craft Fair & Blessing of the Animals
On October 7th we will hold our 23rd annual craft show. That day Pastor Bonnie will be doing a blessing of the animals at 1:00 pm and Nancy’s beautiful quilt “Dashing Pinwheels” will be raffled off at 3:30. We are looking for donations for Granny’s Attic (nicer household knick knacks, Christmas items, etc.) We will also need baked goods and homemade items for the ladies’ table and pots of chicken or hamburg soup. This year we will be selling our soup by the quart for take-out, so many pots will be needed. Anyone interested in helping in any capacity or knows of anyone interested in a craft table, please see Sue Cichy. Sign up sheets will also be on the board. Quarts of soup can be ordered by calling 518-661-6566 (please leave your name, amount wanted and your telephone number).
Blessing of the Animals will take place also that day at 1:00 pm as part of our annual craft show. Bring your pet on a leash or in a cage for a blessing. Animals refer to all the living creatures people bring to worship—such as cats and dogs, birds, reptiles, and fish, domesticated or wild. When people are not able to bring an animal, they may wish to bring a picture of an animal they love or an endangered species in the wild. This is a public expression of the bond we have with all animals. This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is October 4.
October 27 & 28Rummage Sale
PW’s Fall Rummage Sale will be held Friday, October 27 from 7:00 am to noon and again on Saturday. Since storage space is limited we ask that you do not bring in rummage until two weeks before (after October 18). This will allow us to keep the coat area available and the church looking presentable.
To all church members:
On behalf of the Niles Family I would like to thank you for honoring our father/grandfather, Albert Niles, during the July 9th church service. This tribute to him and his devotion to the young men of the Young Crusaders Class was a caring and special achievement which will not be forgotten. His memory will live on as you display the signature frame and shadow box.
Thank you and God bless. Ella Niles
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed and/or helped in any way in making this year’s Chicken BBQ a big success! We accually sold out of our 500 chickens that had to be ordered from Brooks this year for the first time. We netted over $2,400. Last year’s suggestions were put in place successfully and I have started planning how to implement this year’s suggestions - thank you for the feedback!
Thank you, Lori Kucel
Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 10 and everyone is encouraged to BRING A FRIEND. This year we will be studying more Bible stories and learning to tell them through puppets and our flannel board. Other exciting things are planned for this fall so come and get on the Sunday School Band Wagon.
Beginning on Wednesday, September 13 and continuing every Wednesday, we will be starting a youth group for all youth in the Mayfield area. We will have Bible stories, songs, games, fun, mission and once a month a pizza and praise party. Please spread the word, 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are also welcoming donations of snacks and refreshments to serve. We also need people who are interested in helping us get this up and running again. It is so important to provide a place where our youth can find a place to gather, learn about God and understand what it means to be a disciple in our world today.
Choir members, take note. We will practice at 9:30 on September 24 before singing for the church service. It will be an easy already sung piece.
Our regular practices will begin on Tuesday, September 26 at 6:30. Please join us for our practices. We have more robes and more music folders and always welcome new voices.
Did you know that you can bring school supplies for Victor’s school all during this year? We will be collecting them until May when Victor graduates and then we will be shipping them to Liberia.
Greetings to everyone. Thank you for your support ofour food pantry mission. Also, thanks to all who volunteer to pass out foor and pick up food from Regional Food Pantry in Gloversville. The volunteer list is still posted in Fellowship Hall and there are openings available.
Not to push the holiday season, but also posted are the Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes dates. If you can help with this please sign up. I’m asking for copy paper style boxes early so we have enough.
We were able to make a nice donation to the backpack program at the elementary school throuogh the Regional Foood Bank with your fifth Sunday donations. Thank you. We are always grateful for any food donations. Soup will be most needed once school starts.
Thanks again! Crystal
We are scheduled to serve at Friday’s Table at Holy Spirit Community Center on Fridays, Setember 1st and Nov. 10th. We have a great time preparing the meals. All are welcome and we range in age from 9 to 80 years young! We gather at Holy Spirit Community Center, 161 South Main St., Gloversville at 3:30 pm or whenever folks can get there! We usually serve roast pork, carrots and roast potatoes! The bread, salad fixings and desserts are all donated by Price Chopper and Hannaford.
If you can join us please arrive at 3:30 pm or thereabouts, we serve at 5:30 pm, and we are all cleaned up by about 6:30 pm, amazing! Please let Mary DiSanto-Rose at or 518-224-2080 know if you can come.
Bonnie has asked to have weekly liturgists and the worship committee will be attempting to enlist the help of many members from the congregation to make this happen. We would be happy to explain the requirements to anyone who thinks they might be willing to step in to a liturgist’s position for one Sunday or more. The worship committee is also organizing “Pastor Appreciation Sunday” that will take place on September 24th – with the help of some non-committee members! In addition, we are very sure that Bonnie will be coming up with a list of “ideas” for us with the change in worship time and the coming of fall. Newcomers are always welcome to join us. There’s always a lot to do!
Current Members: Rev. Orth, Sharon Brower, Mary Lou Bryan, Gary DiSanto-Rose, Nancy Frank (chairperson), Janis Frisch, Ginnie Hall, Greg Hitchcock, Vicki Kucel, Deb Lair, Joan Rorick, Mary Seaman, Sandra Ann Sparks
…that almost 50 kids participated in Vacation Bible Schoool again this summer? Thank you to all who helped make it another successful, fun-filled week.
…that you can bring school supplies for Victor’s school all during this year? We will be collecting them until May when Victor graduates and then we will be shipping them to Liberia.