GOOD NEWS LETTER February, 2015 Mayfield Central Presbyterian Church No. Main St. Mayfield, NY 12117
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
One of the things that pastors do as they research for their sermons is to search the etymology of a word. Linguistically, lent is derived from an old English word meaning springtime. In Latin, lente means slowly. Lent then, points to the coming of spring and it invites us to slow down our lives so that we can pause and truly examine ourselves, to take stock of ourselves as we prepare for Easter. It is a season where we are asked to refrain from certain pleasures or to add some spiritual discipline to our daily faith walk as we get ourselves ready for the feast of Easter. Many of us may give up something, sweets, meat, coffee and others will choose to do something extra, such as extra prayer time or scripture reading or volunteering for something.
Lent also is full of images. One of the images we often use for lent is the biblical idea of the wilderness. Last year during lent, we explored wilderness as a theme with our Bible studies and our worship services. In order to prepare for his public ministry, Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights during which time he fasted and, as the Gospel of Mark tells us, “was put to the test by Satan, was with the wild animals, and was looked after by the angels.”
Lent has typically been understood as a time for us to imitate Jesus’ journey, to metaphorically spend forty days in the wilderness like Jesus, unprotected by normal nourishment so that we, too, can face "Satan" and the "wild animals" and see whether the "angels" will indeed come and look after us when we reach that point where we can no longer look after ourselves.
"Satan" and "wild animals" are different for each one of us but we all have them, they live inside of us. They are the angers, hurts, addictions, doubts and secrets that we struggle so hard to ignore or deny. The business of our everyday lives allows us to be distracted from these “wild animals.” Lent is an opportunity for us to stop our normal pace, and it invites us to feel our vulnerability, our fears, and to open ourselves up the chaos of our internal wilderness so that we can finally give the angels a chance to feed us like they did Jesus.
We need lent every year, at least I know that I do. Without lent, we never take the time to enter into the wilderness. We cannot experience the resurrection without going through the cross. Won’t you take the opportunity this year to intentionally spend some time in the wilderness to prepare yourself for the coming feast of Easter?
Yours in Christ, Bonnie
Mondays and Tuesdays Bible Studies This year our Lenten Bible Study will be based on the book, Forgiveness, Finding Peace Through Letting Go, by Adam Hamilton. Hamilton equates our need to forgive and to be forgiven with carrying a backpack filled with rocks. Over time the tiny pebbles and giant boulders weigh us down and break more than our spirit. We will explore the challenges that come with learning to forgive and ask forgiveness. Please join us on Mondays at noon (bring your lunch) or Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 pm.
Thursdays Needlework Group The Needlework and the Quilters Groups meet on Thursdays at noon. Bring your lunch or come after you eat. Bring your portable project to work on during the time and enjoy the company of others.
February 8 Sunday School Sledding The Sunday School children will go sledding during the church service and we will have hot chocolate and hotdogs during coffee hour.
February 15 Mardi Gras Sunday and Audit Review Come celebrate Mardi Gras, Mayfield style, at coffee hour. There will be a short meeting after church to hear Mike Franks audit report. It is also Mental Health Awareness Sunday.
February 18 Ash Wednesday Service The Ash Wednesday service will be held at 7:00 pm to contemplate the season of lent and reflect on the sacrifices of Jesus.
February 20 Friday’s Table Call Mary DiSanto-Rose (518-224-2080) if you are interested in helping other Mayfield Presbyterian Church folks at the Church of the Holy Spirit on Friday, Feb 20, anytime between 3:30 and 6:30 serving dinner.
February 21 Joshua Thompson Concert On Saturday, February 21 at 7:00 pm a concert directed by Joshua Thompson will be held at our church. Area professional musicians from around the entire northeast, as well as friends and colleagues of Joshua come together for an afternoon of practice and an evening concert. There is a charge and is open to the public.
February 23 Session Meeting The Session will meet at 6:30 on Monday, February 23. If you have something to come before them please talk to Janis Frisch or Rev. Bonnie.
February 28 Tree Removal Contact Jay Orth if you would be interested in helping clear the area for the labyrinth on Saturday, February 28.
LOOKING AHEAD March 11 Lenten Potluck Join us for a potluck supper Wednesday, March 11 at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to share and your plate and utensils.
March 18 PW Meeting All women of the church are invited to join us at 7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall for planning and fellowship. We will be discussing the Maundy Thursday Dinner, Rummage Sale, Mother-Daughter Dinner, Quilt Show and other events. Come and get involved. Bring a Bible verse that begins with “Q” or ”S”.
March 29 to April 5 Holy Week and Easter Special services will be held during Holy Week to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord. Watch for details in the next newsletter and save the dates to come worship with us.
April 28 CROP Hunger Walk Our 4th Annual CROP Hunger Walk is scheduled for April 27th. Mark your calendar and get your walking shoes ready!! Jill Kaczor and Joan Montgomery will coordinate it this year.
June 5 & 6 Annual Quilt Show 20th Annual Quilt Show – It is early but, hopefully, not too early to mention our annual quilt show. The show will be held on Friday evening, June 5th and Saturday, June 6th. We will fill our beautiful church with an amazing display of quilts. Quilt shop vendors are being contacted to set up in fellowship hall. The ladies will prepare a summertime lunch combo of sandwiches, salads, cookies and beverages. We plan to have a baked goods sale and will be looking for donations. Kathie Greenwold will be our featured artist this year and is planning an old-fashioned “bed turning” on Friday evening that will include new and antique quilts. As with all fundraisers, it takes lots of helpers to make it successful – so we will be looking for “lots of helpers”. See Nancy Frank (661-5328) if you want to get involved.
June 20 Golf Tournament Save the date, Saturday, June 20, for our fourth annual golf tournament. Art Dahl has reserved the date but will need help. PLEASE call him (661-5800) and volunteer to help arrange for food, sponsors, prizes, advertising and reservations.
SESSION NOTES The new Session met on January 28 and Janis Frisch was elected Clerk again. The Elder on Call list for the coming year was sent around and will hang in the office.
The Westminster Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi is having their newly built church dedication on February 8. We are hoping to send them video greetings since we have been invited to attend but no one is able to.
Liz Argotsinger will be painting a “God’s Eye” barn quilt square for the church garage. We will then be listed on the Quilt Square Barn Trail for Fulton and Montgomery County.
It was announced that Sheena Crosby will be our summer intern from Princeton Seminary. She has been active in her home church and throughout college. She graduated from Springfield College of Human Services Magna Cum Laude in 2013 with a degree in early childhood development.
The Niles Family Scholarship provides two $500.00 scholarships to a graduating senior who has been accepted at a 2 or 4 year college or a trade school or an adult learner going to the same. The person must be active in a faith community as well as participate in activities in the community. They must have two references from a teacher, community leader or clergy. Applications forms will be available Feb. 13 at the Mayfield High School or from Janis Frisch or Rev. Bonnie and must be submitted by April 15.
MUSIC NOTES DVD’s of the Christmas Cantata performed last December by our choir with many friends, accompanied by an orchestra and directed by Luke Horst are available for $5.00. See the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall if you are interested. Money can be given to Mary Lou Bryan or Nancy Frank. Thanks to Greg Hitchcock who recorded the performance and made the DVD’s.
NOTES FROM ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting was held on January 11 after church. Reports of the pastor and committees of the church were presented and accepted. Jay Orth reported for the nominating committee that Larry Akey and Jay Orth have agreed to finish their second term early and Laura Hime her first term early. That will put us back on three year terms for elders without overlaps. Laura Hime, Chrystal Hinkle and Deb Hall have agreed to serve three year terms. They were elected at the meeting and were Ordained/Installed on January 18 by Rev. Bonnie Orth. Mike Frank will audit the financial records as soon as they are ready and they will be reported on at a special meeting after church in February. The budget and Rev. Bonnie’s terms of call were discussed and agreed upon.
Several dates were put on the calendar for the coming year:
Souper Bowl Sunday February 1
Ash Wednesday February 18
Lenten Supper March 11
Palm Sunday March 29
Maundy Thursday Dinner April 2
Good Friday April 3
Easter April 5
Rummage Sale April 24-25 Presbyterian Women
CROP Hunger Walk April 26 Jill Kaczor and Joan Montgomery
PW Mother-Daughter Dinner May 7 Presbyterian Women
Quilt Show June 5-6 Nancy Frank
Golf Outing June 20 Art Dahl
Sunday School Picnic June 21
Baccalaureate Service June 26
Outdoor Worship and Picnic June 28 at the Dahls’
Vacation Bible School TBA
Barbecue July 25 Laurie Talcott
Rally Day September 13 Sunday School
Pastor Appreciation Sunday September 27
PW Networker Dinner October 7 Presbyterian Women
Rummage Sale October 30-31 Presbyterian Women
Harvest Dinner November 7 Janet Kucel and Collen Ulrich
Christmas Craft Fair November 21
Advent Dinner December 9 Presbyterian Women
Children’s Pageant December 13 Sunday School
Christmas Cantata December 13 Choir
If anyone would like a copy of the annual report please contact Janis Frisch (661-6020) or pick one up at church.
CHURCH SCHOOL NOTES The Sunday School children are continuing to learn more about Jesus’ ministry during Sunday School and have two events planned for February. They will go sledding during church on Sunday, February 8 and will have a Movie and games night on Friday, February 20 at 6:00. Pizza and popcorn will be served for movie night and following the sledding hot cocoa and hot dogs will be served during coffee hour. Come join the fun!
WORSHIP COMMITTEE NOTES The Worship Committee will be working closely with Bonnie to prepare for Lent and Easter as well as a possible new Calvin Grant. We will lead worship on February 8th while Bonnie and Jay are in Texas on vacation. Committee members will help plan a Mental Health Awareness Sunday on February 15 as well as the Ash Wednesday service on February 18th. Plans have begun for a Maundy Thursday Service that will include a Christian meal with new remembrances of Jesus’ life (similar to last year) on April 2. (We hope to include members of the Broadalbin Presbyterian Church once again.) A special service on April 26 will mark the 4th anniversary of the fire (April 28, 2011).
Worship Committee members: Pastor Bonnie, Sharon Brower, Mary Lou Bryan, Carol Cownie, Nancy Frank, Ginnie Hall, Deb Hannis Greg Hitchcock, Joan Rorick Three new members: Mary Seaman, Vicky Kucel, and Libby VanNostrand
MISSION NOTES FOOD PANTRY A few people in our church actually came up to me and volunteer and make my day. Other than that, it's going along well, and the same ...from 30 to 35 people come on first and third Tuesdays and I have people signed up through March, so I will be looking for volunteers for April. Just a reminder - bring in food on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The Mayfield Methodist Church brings in lots more food than we do! We always need cereal and fruit. We can also put loaves of bread in the freezer. Ginny Mei
FRIDAY’S TABLE Dinner is served at the Holy Spirit Community Center, 161 South Main Street, Gloversville every Friday. A group from our church has been doing the dinner every month or two. They begin preparing at 3:30, serve dinner at 5:30 and usually are cleaned up by 6:30pm. People are welcome to come help any time between 3:30-6:30pm. P lease contact Mary DiSanto-Rose at 518-224-2080 or if you would like to help.
FRIDAY’S TABLE SCHEDULE 2015: Fri. Feb. 20th, Fri. May 8th Fri. July 24th
FIFTH SUNDAY MISSION The Albany Presbytery is challenging each church in the Presbytery to purchase two water filters for distribution to communities in the Mam Presbytery. Our Presbytery youth will distribute these filters to the community as part of their summer 2015 Guatemalan Youth Trip. Guatemala is a country located on three fault lines. They experience many earthquakes each year in addition to hurricanes and mudslides. When these disasters occur, their water supply is compromised and thousands of families are left with unsafe drinking water.
CEDEPCA has set a goal of purchasing 1000 water filters for 2015 and as their partner, the Guatemalan Partnership would like to tithe 10% (100 filters) of their goal. Each water filter costs $50 and lasts two years. They are made in Guatemala and provide local jobs. The cost of each filter includes training on how to use, take care of and clean the filter, as well as ideas of how to save enough money to replace the clay part of the filter in two years ($30).
Our fifth Sunday offering (March 29) will be used for the purchase of water filters. Please give generously. CROP HUNGER WALK Our 5th Annual CROP Hunger Walk is scheduled for April 26th. Mark your calendar and get your walking shoes ready!! Our website is already up and running and so easy to use. Go to, then click on the CROP Walk menu, click on NYS and scroll down to our Mayfield Presbyterian line. Click that and you are on. We will be planning upcoming information and planning meetings shortly. Speak to Jill Kaczor or Joan Montgomery if you would like to help this year,
2016 GUATEMALA TRIP We are beginning to plan our 2016 Guatemala mission trip. The dates will be February 13 to February 21. We are hoping to return to the village of Pachaj again. It will be a three part mission. Dr. Gary DiSanto-Rose will be providing dental care, we will do a work project with the village and we will do a school project. Please see Pastor Bonnie if you would like to go or have any questions about the trip.
Joan Klohe February 1 Thelma Childs February 2 Devin Wemple February 2 Gary DiSanto-Rose February 6 Paulette Warner February 6 Marielyse Frye February 10 Julia Fitzgerald February 14, 2004 Olivia Orth February 17,1994 Irene White February 17 Virginia Kline February 21 David Frye February 22
Jim Cownie March 2 Beth Croft March 2
DID YOU KNOW? …that Alex Hitrick will start playing the piano for us again on Sunday mornings. He played a few Sundays last year. He is a junior at Broadalbin-Perth High School and his father will teach him to play the organ for us.
…that Megan Nolett played for us over the last several months and is willing to substitute. She is starting her last semester at nursing school and needs more time for studying. We thank her for sharing her talent with us and wish her the best.
Mayfield Central Presbyterian Church
22 North Main Street
Post Office Box 432 PAID
Mayfield, New York 12117-0432 MAYFIELD, NY