January/February Newsletter
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Can you believe it is already 2022? It some ways 2021 flew by and it other ways it seemed like one of the longest years I can remember. Last year was different in some ways, but then again, so is every year for one reason or another. I have been reading about a tradition to do an Annual Review. It can be done at the end of the year as a review or at the beginning of the year as goals. I think that given all the craziness of the past few years this review will be beneficial to help me ground my attention and give me something to work on over the next year.
The Review is based on a core principle: we tend to overestimate what we can do in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. People say that once you take the time to do even a basic Review, you’ll find your next year to feel much more purposeful.
The Review gives you a framework for making improvements in you, big or small (or both). Most likely, your vision will expand along the way. You’ll find yourself setting and achieving greater and greater goals as you go from year-to-year.
There are two main parts of the Review: a) looking back on the year that’s ending, and b) setting goals for the year that’s to come. To make it easier to start you begin by answering two questions:
1. What went well this year?
2. What did not go well this year?
Write down a series of observations based on whatever feels right. Even in years that have been difficult for whatever reason, there are almost always positive highlights. When we plan, we really can get more of the right things done! And of course, it’s also important to acknowledge whatever did not go well.
The second part of the review takes more time. The objective is to look ahead and set 3-5 goals for each major category of your life. Which categories, you ask? And how many should there be? You can set goals for work, relationships, wellness, learning, travel, family, and fun. Don’t forget fun!
Lastly, choose a word or theme for the year as well: the Year of Reinvention, for example, or the Year of Bigger Things. There’s also been the Year of Survival. Perhaps you can use your Star word that you will get on January 9. Remember each year we get a star word that chooses us that we focus and reflect on for the year.
This process can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like. You can use it as-is or modify it however you want. There are also people who have their own pre-organized reviews that you can download. One that I found is by Susannah Conway and it is free.
There’s no doubt about it: 2021 was one for the record books. If I ever thought that I was in control of my life, 2021 showed me how wrong I am! God is in control, but God wants me to take an active role toward becoming what God wants me to be. Doing my own annual review seems a good step to make. I encourage you to try it. What will you work toward in 2022?
Yours in Christ,
A Huge Thank You
Thank you one and all for your very generous Christmas gift, for your donations to Victor’s school and for your support and love during this past year. In spite of the many challenges we have faced, it has been a good year and I look forward to seeing where 2022 will lead us.
Are you available to help with the streaming of our services? We need to have a few more people to volunteer to help with our services. We can teach you what to do and you will always have at least one person with you. If you would like to learn and volunteer to be part of this team, please see Pastor Bonnie.
The second Sunday of each month is Something Beautiful Sunday. Please bring to church something that is beautiful to you. It can be a picture, a knick-knack, or anything that is special and beautiful in your eyes. Place the item on the table at the front of the sanctuary and we will honor those items as gifts from God.
Our January Bible study is called “God’s Messy Family; Finding Your Place When Life Isn’t Perfect.” This will be a six week Bible study and will take place on ZOOM and Facebook Live beginning on Tuesday, January 4 at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!
Thursdays Needleworkers & Quilters
The Needlework Group meets on Thursdays at noon at the church. Bring your lunch and some hand work to keep you busy or just stop by with a good tale or piece of news. Libby Van Nostrand will teach knitting and crocheting or we all help one another. If you have something you want to learn or can teach let her know
January 16 & February 20 Parkinson’s Advocacy & Education Group
The Parkinson’s Support Group will meet on Thursday, January 16th and Thursday, February 21st at 2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall and will have discussions and guest speakers. Face masks and social distancing.
January 23 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will take place after the church service January 23. This is a time when we review the past year, 2021, and look forward to the new, 2022. The congregation votes on the terms of call for the pastor and completes the business of the church. Committee heads and chairmen of events please get reports to Janis Frisch in early January.
January 30 Ordination & Installation of Elders
The ordination and installation of elders that were elected on Sunday, January 23rd will take place during the church service on January 30th. Elders will be Ordained and Installed on January 30.
Did you know that we have to pay witness support for every member of our church every year. This money goes to support the ministries at the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly levels. We pay Albany Presbytery every year $46 per member witness support. We prayerfully ask that if you are able that you consider adding $46 to your pledge or tithe to help us cover that cost. An envelope is included in the newsletter for your witness support. We are a connectional church and this money is important to supporting ministries throughout PCUSA. We appreciate your support of this cost.
Happy New Year everyone. The Worship Committee was busy last year enjoying getting back into the tasks at hand. It was so satisfying to be able to come into the church again working together to make our beautiful sanctuary even more lovely. Pastor Doctor Bonnie always has such great ideas and vision about how things can look. And the Worship Committee is just so dedicated, making themselves available on short notice, working hard, adding their own great ideas as well as preparing delicious goodies for any of the events that arise and helping to make those events most successful.
We are now preparing to put away our Christmas beauty and move on to the next projectsI do know that our Leader has some ideas she is already thinking about for our Lenten and Easter celebrations. So stay turned and come to enjoy our lovely church as we worship together.
As the old year passes and a new one begins I would like to take a moment to thank all of the people who have been so helpful on our Worship Committee. They deserve a big hand!
Kate Ludewig
Nora Saunders
Vicki Kucel
Sandy Kollmann
Sandra Ann Sparks
Sue Ellen Harrington
Deb Lair
Ginnie Hall
Mary Lou Bryan
Sharon Brower
Charlotte Conyne
Jean Gifford
Of course there are many others who volunteer on a moment’s notice to come and help whenever help is needed. To all of those, we thank you as well. And a special thank you to Art Dahl and Gary DiSanto-Rose for always adding their know how and strength to our projects!
Mary Seaman and Nancy Frank
Despite the absence of many children and a teacher, the children’s Christmas program received an enthusiastic response from the congregation, as it contained both meaning and humor. Thank you to all!
If you would like Sunday school envelopes please speak to Art Dahl. Total contributions will be included on parents' contribution records at year end.
A special thanks to all who sang and played with the choir for the many musical events and regular services! Christmas is a time when music is especially important and uplifting. The choir endeavors to add special music to our weekly worship service. Newcomers are always welcome to join us on Sunday morning (9:30) for rehearsals.
Thank you to everyone who helped make our food pantry a success. We handed out about 80 food baskets for Christmas. Any non-perishable foods are always appreciated, donations are welcome at anytime . A sign-up sheet is posted in Fellowship Hall for helpers on the first and third Tuesday from 12:30 t0 3:00.or contact Jane Brower at 518-332-8606.
…that on December 5 we had four new members join the church Lynn and Richard Armstrong and Charlotte and Ken Hoover. Welcome to our church family!
We have a rather complete list of birthdays of our members. If you are not on it and would like to be, please call Ann Mallin at 773-8198 or email her at amallin1@nycap.rr.com.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these members:
Janet Kucel January 4
Mary DiSanto-Rose January 8
Jane Bouton January 10
Mary Seaman January 10
Andrew Haschytz January 18
Jane Brower January 19
Evan Dutcher January 26
Joan Klohe Feb. 1
Thelma Childs Feb. 2
Marget Barnett Feb. 3
Ken Hoover Feb. 4
Gary DiSanto-Rose Feb. 6
Steve Van Allen Feb. 10
Betsy Foster Feb. 11
Julia Fitzgerald Feb. 14, 2004
Stan Kucel Feb. 14
Olivia Orth Feb. 17
Irene White Feb. 17
Maddox Cichy Feb. 19, 2008