May Newsletter
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
What a crazy world! I never in my life imagined that I could be busier than I was before COVID-19 but I was wrong! It has been non-stop. I am learning things that I never thought I would need to know but I am also finding some good discoveries. Technology has never been my friend, but I am trying very hard to establish a good relationship now because I need to do services online.
As we stream the service on Sunday there are a few things that you should know. It looks like services online will be our new normal. Even when we go back to meeting together in the sanctuary, we will continue to use Zoom and Facebook. There have been over 600 people tuning in to our Facebook services from all over the world. Who knew that so many people would be watching little Mayfield?
This epidemic has made it clear that there are people out there who are seeking the Word of God and we must continue to offer it to them. So, I am learning as much as I can about online worship services. What works and what does not. Each week I am trying to make adjustments to the service, and I welcome your feedback.
This past Sunday during our service, when I announced that my test results came back negative for COVID, Victor was so excited that he called from Liberia in the middle of the service. He thought that I was taping the services. So, all of the folks listening on Facebook had gaps in the service while the telephone rang. Isn’t technology great?
As we move forward, all together in this, I ask that you all continue to reach out to each other. Check on one another, Make telephone calls, write notes, emails, letters. Find new ways to stay connected.
In closing, I offer you yet one more way to stay connected. On our Website is a link called Light a Candle. It is a fun way to connect with each other. We are part of a special congregation of disciples serving Christ. As such, we are called to love one another and to stay connected to each other. We can use this as just one more opportunity to reach out to one another and stay connected. Stay safe,
Have faith that our church will rise to new challenges, grow new capacities to do this, and will experience new faith and life in Christ as a result. And know that you are not alone. We are all walking together in this complex journey. Stay safe, stay home, and stay connected to God and to one another.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Bonnie
Our 2020 Princeton Theological Seminary summer intern will be Makins Baskins-Johnson. Because of the unique circumstances of COVID-19, she will begin her internship online. Makins is from Liberia and is studying at Princeton for her Master of Christian Education degree. Pastor Bonnie will be working with her on the Zoom platform on May 12.
When it is possible, Makins will be coming to Mayfield. We just do not know at this time what the summer will look like for our intern. If you would like to meet Makins individually on a Zoom call, please let Pastor Bonnie know and she will make arrangements for a call for you. In the meantime, please pray for Makins as she finishes her semester doing her work online.
May 5 & 19 Food Pantry
The Food Pantry will be open on Tuesdays May 5th and 19th. If you would like to help distribute food to people in their cars call Crystal Hinkle at 518-661-6314
May 18 Session Meeting
The next Session Meeting will be Monday, May 18, at 6:00 pm. Please let Pastor Bonnie or Janis Frisch know if you have anything to brought up at that time.
LOOKING AHEAD (if possible)
June 20 Golf Tournament
The golf tournament scheduled for June 20th has been cancelled and maybe rescheduled for a date in the fall.
June 28 Outdoor Worship & Church Picnic
The annual worship service and picnic will be held on Sunday, June 28th at the Dahls’ on Priddle Point. This event may have to be cancelled also depending on the coronavirus situation.
Virtual church services have been scheduled through May 31st and we will continue having communion each Sunday as part of our service.
Pastor Bonnie continues to do the 90 second sermons and they are being enjoyed by many.
Spring cleanup was begun last Saturday by a few people each doing their own thing. If you are willing to help out on another work day let Gary DiSanto-Rose (518-224-2081) know.
Session voted several months ago to purchase stained-glass memorial crosses to honor those from our congregation or family members of our congregants who have died in the past. We will honor their lives by hanging the crosses in the windows of the sanctuary for one year. We will then hold a service where we will present the cross to a family member surrounded in our prayers and grateful for the faithful witness and discipleship of this person.
We have been working with stain-glass artist, Jen Peitro to create these crosses. They are beautiful and the names of each person is put on a silver plaque attached to the cross. These crosses will be hanging in the sanctuary when you return to church.
Session is purchasing a cross for each member who has died in the past year. If you would like to order a cross for someone who died in the past, please contact Pastor Bonnie or Gary Di-Santo-Rose. The cost of each cross is $20.
Many members and friends have helped keep our finances remain stable by mailing their regular contributions to the church. The address is PO Box 432 Mayfield, NY 12117. Both the food pantry and Victor’s school have also received substantial contributions. Please continue to do so, since our expenses continue even when we cannot meet at the church building. If contributing to Victor’s school, please use a separate check, since these funds are deposited in a separate account.
Now we are also able to receive regular contributions online. Go to the church website and click on Online Giving. Click on Give Now, then Create Profile. This asks for your email address and has you create a password, as well as letting the system know what bank account or credit card you want to use as a payment source. You’re ready to go! Please note, the system works best if used only for regular contributions – for other contributions, such as food bank, memorials, etc., it’s better to send a check to the church. You can do a one-time donation or make it a reoccurring donation. Many of our sister churches are using this online giving platform and it has been very successful. Give it a try.
First quarter offering statements were not distributed due to the disruption in church life. Second quarter statements will be available in early July. Anyone needing a first quarter statement please call Ann Mallin (518-773-8198).
CROP WALK has changed. Although we had thought we would try a virtual WALK for May 3, we find that the rest of the area is choosing to put it off until October. The raising and collection of contributions was determined to be difficult to make it worthwhile. So we have joined the others and look so forward to being able to hold our CROP WALK on a beautiful Northeast Fall day. We will be walking on October 11th. Let’s make this one a great one!
Mary Seaman and Jane Brower
Hi all, I’m missing you like crazy. But I know you’re there. Thanks to you and the community we are able to keep enough food to feed our people. We have been serving more families and every week seems there are more. We’ve been serving in the parking lot to keep a distance. We have been passing out some masks although they are hard to come by. Again thanks for your donations of food, money and time. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
Love you, Crystal
We are continuing to send out packets to the Sunday School children (17 of them) and may start to connect with the teens through a zoom meeting.
The Worship Committee will be working with Pastor Bonnie as we prepare to open the church once more. There will be changes that will have to be made as we ease into the world we remember. We will be asking our own dear members to be patient as we all adjust to the changes that will be dictated at least for a while after we open. Those details are not clear at this time, but we can expect that seating will change some, that coffee hour may have to be delayed until we see how our Worship service goes with our new requirements. In spite of the changes, we will do our best to make our first worship together be a joyful and satisfying experience. It will all come back to where we would love to have it - eventually. We will keep you posted as more details are given us. The most important part is that we will once again be a united congregation worshiping together.
Mary Seaman and Nancy Frank
Gary Lair May 5
Greg Putman May 6
Dan Hanna May 10
Joan Montgomery May 12
Bev Lorey May 12
Charlotte Conyne May 14
Nancy Frank May 15
Val Warner May 22
Linda Smith May 25
Kate Ludewick May 28
Clarissa Putman May 29
Evan Orth May 30
Bonnie Orth May 31
…that we received a check for our food pantry for $50.25 from Hannaford for the sale of reusable bags during the month of November 2019. Thank you to all who purchased these bags.
…that Marion Elliot passed away on Saturday, April 11th. She was 101 years old and the oldest member of our congregation.