MARCH Good Newsletter
Dear Sister and Brothers in Christ,
We are entering the season of Lent. We will doing a sermon series based on the book “Gifts of the Dark Wood; Seven Blessings For Soulful Skeptics (And Other Wanderers)” by Eric Elnes. This series is about “seeing life through new” eyes, recognizing that experiences of failure, emptiness, and uncertainty are as critical for finding our way through life as they are unavoidable.” We will see how experiences of life through the “dark wood” are actually clues to our “calling” or “life path.” How can the struggles of life be the seedbed of spiritual awakening to the fulness of life?
Using Elnes’ seven blessings, we will explore a different blessing every week. We will begin on Ash Wednesday when we consider “Where We Find Ourselves”, using the story of Peter jumping out of the boat to walk on the water with Jesus.
The seven blessings are the gift of Uncertainty, Emptiness, Being Thunderstruck, Getting Lost, Temptation, Misfits, and Disappearing.
On Ash Wednesday, we will begin our trek into the Dark Woods, and hear about if Peter’s sinking failure as a spiritual gift. Even towards the end, Peter fails to keep his promise to his beloved Jesus, denying any association with him three times when the going got rough. But again it is this utter failure that will guide and strengthen him for what came next. Upon this sinking rock, the church was built and expanded to include others considered “other” or “unworthy.” The story of all those who surrounded Jesus parallels our own failures, fears, and missteps. Where do we go from here? We journey into our fulness, continuing to embrace the Gifts of the Dark wood where the Spirit beckons us into extraordinary life.
Let us enter into Lent together and find our way to the cross and beyond.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Bonnie
Did you know that we created our own Lenten devotional? Lent is a time to come closer to God and to enter into the spiritual disciplines. Some people give up something they like for Lent. But others, do something extra. Take time each day to read the devotion for the day and spend some time with God
If you did not receive one of our 2022 Mayfield Presbyterian Church Lenten Devotional and would like to have one emailed or mailed to you, please contact the church. If you would like to have it emailed to you, please send your email address to If you would like to have it sent to you by mail, contact he church by phone or email.
Our Lenten Bible study invites us to experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple from the Gospel of John; Mary Magdalene and the other women from Galilee; the two men, usually identified as thieves, crucified with Jesus; the centurion and the soldiers; Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, Jews and Romans, friends and strangers, the powerful and the powerless, the hopeful and the despairing.
The story of Jesus’s death is not something we just read: we think about it, and we experience it; we hear the taunts of the soldiers, the priests, and the passersby even as we hear the famous “seven last words” from the cross.
In Witness at the Cross, Amy-Jill Levine shows how the people at the cross each have distinct roles to play. Each Evangelist presents a distinct picture of the death of Jesus. Each portrays different individuals and groups of people at the cross, each offers different images and dialogues, and so from each, we learn how those meanings and messages cross the centuries to any who would come to the cross today.
Each Gospel has its own story to tell, all the witnesses have their own memories, and every reader comes away with a new insight. The witnesses at the Crucifixion watch Jesus die, and we watch with them, and we watch them. And we come away transformed. Join us Tuesday evenings at via Zoom or Facebook6:00 p.m. to imagine what if we were there?
Thursdays in March Needle workers and Quilters Group
These groups meet at noon each Thursday at church until 2:00. Everyone is welcome to bring a lunch and some handwork to keep you busy or just stop by for good conversation and catch up on what is happening and what is not happening. Would like to know how to knit or crochet – Libby VanNostrand will be there to teach you.
March 1 and 15 Food Pantry
The Food Pantry will be open from 12:30 to 3:00 on March 1st and 15th . Sunday, March 21st is Food Sunday, so bring your canned goods, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, to church that Sunday or any other time.
March 9 & 23 Men’s Group
A group led by Greg Hitchcock Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 6 pm at church. A wide range of topics are being discussed. All men are welcome.
March 16 Presbyterian Women
PW will meet at 3:00 on Wednesday, March16 to discuss ways we can become a more active group again. The Bible verse letter is “B”, bring a verse that starts with the letter “B” and ideas.
March 17 Parkinson Advocacy Group
At 2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall the Parkinson Group will meet on March 17th. It is a time for those with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases and their caregivers to gather and discuss common problems and hear speakers talk on ways to handle the problems that go along with these diseases.
March 18 Youth Group
We are starting a new youth group. The youth group leaders have been planning and getting ready for the first youth event. After two years of isolation and being homebound, the youth event will be called “Welcoming Spring Together.
The event will take place at Mayfield Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 18 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event will be for students from grades six through eleven. It will include music and dancing, karaoke, games, crafts, and refreshments.
Students are asked to R.S.V.P. by March 4th to Kelly Wagar at (518) 224-6137 or (518) 883-4195. You may leave a message.
This fun evening is free for all. We are asking that students might consider bringing an item for the community food pantry.
If anyone would like to help, we are asking for donations. There is a sign-up sheet in church. Items needed include: cookies and brownies by March 16 or 17th, popcorn, candy, soda, bottled water, paper cups, plates, napkins, potting soil, carrots, and celery.
We also need clean small jars with lids. For example, pickle jars, relish, or jam jars, raffia or ribbon, and vegetable and/or flower seeds. We need these items by March 11th. There is a sign-up sheet at church.
This is our big welcoming event. We will then invite students to participate and we will plan other activities and mission ideas.
We thank you and are always grateful for our church family’s help and generosity.
Have you noticed the growing number of children coming to Sunday School? They are practicing for a skit for all of us. They would love to have a few more show up to take part.
April 10 Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday will start Holy Week with the receiving of palms and our traditional parade of waving palms
April 14 Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday Service will include dramatic readings and attendees seated at tables in Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. on April 14th and will include communion. The choir will sing.
April 15 Good Friday
Good Friday service will be held at our church at 7:00 on April 15th.
April 17 Easter Sunday
Easter Sunrise will be held on our Labyrinth at sunrise (6:00 a.m.) possibly followed by a casserole breakfast
Easter Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. There will be no Sunday School classes, but children are encouraged to attend church with their parents on this special day.
Scholarship applications for the 2022 Niles Family Scholarship are available. Two $500.00 scholarships will be given to a graduating senior who has been accepted at a 2 or 4 year college or a trade school or an adult learner going to the same. The person must be active in a faith community as well as participate in activities in the community. They must have two references from a teacher, community leader or clergy. Forms are available in the church office or from Janis Frisch, Eileen Pelosi or Rev. Bonnie and must be submitted by April 15.
Copies of the annual report are available if you would like one call the church office or contact a Session member.
New Session members elected at the annual meeting are Eileen Pelosi, David Haskins and David Klim. Those who are going off are Vicki Kucel after 2 terms and Marget Barnett and Linda Jacobs after one term, we thank them for their service.
Dates to keep in mind:
Brooks Barbecue July 23
Rally Day September 11
Harvest Ham Dinner November 5
…church email address:; website:
…that Souper Bowl Sunday raised $600.00 and 100 food items for the Food Pantry.
The music department has been busy with many new and familiar anthems foor the season of Lent. Betsy Thomas has directed the newly formed bell choir, complete with the donated bells from 1st Presbyterian Church in Gloversville and the addition of a lower octave purchased with a gift from an anonymous donor and an upper set of bells to complete the 3 octaves needed for much of the bell choir music being published. The players are learning their notes and all the various symbols which denote alternate uses of the bells such as: thumb damp, let vibrate, table damp, swing, shake, etc., a whole new vocabulary of musical terms. We welcome a new member, Bill Lomanto, who has rung bells with Betsy at St. John’s and First Pres. in Gloversville. With the addition of more blls, we may need more players. If you are interested, talk to Betsy.
The choir has also been asked to do some extra singing. We sang for Kris Hart’s funeral service and Thelma Childs’ service. We are preparing Lenten music to be sung at our church and perhaps with the Broadalbin choir during Holy Weeek.
Sara Schopmeier is to be thanked for preparing a phone tree and choir robe list. In addition we are planning a social time, perhaps at Wolf Hollow Brewery. We sometimes do more than sing! There are distinct benefits to being in a choir. If you are interested in joining, please see Mary Lou or any choir member.
Ash Wednesday is on March 2 this year and a service will be held at 7:00 p.m. that evening. The Worship Committee plans to transform the sanctuary to reflect our Lenten Season. It will be very different from most of our displays, but is appropriate for this season. Since Lent is a time of reflection and preparation, we sincerely hope that our efforts along with Pastor Bonnie’s beautiful services will help everyone to enjoy the season.
Session has decided that beginning with April, communion will be served in the pews as it had been before Covid. It will be delightful to be back with some of the traditional ways we always have enjoyed.
In addition we are looking forward to opening the Fellowship Hall in April for Coffee Hour once again. So many have missed our get togethers with friends on Sunday morning. The Worship Committee will host the first Sunday. After that we are hopeful people will sign up to provide a few treats and to prepare the coffee, tea, etc. as well as helping to clean up after. There will be more details available as we approach the big day! For many years Libby VanNostrand and Joan Montgomery had tirelessly taken care of coffee hour - setting up and cleaning up. Parishioners have often brought in goodies, but for the most part those two ladies were always there working away. Everyone who is looking forward to the restart of weekly Coffee Hours, will have the opportunity to take a turn. A sign-up will be circulated for that purpose.
The Presbyterian Church has several special offerings during the year. The biggest offering is the One Great Hour of Sharing. Through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, we connect with those who have the least and we help to repair the breaches in our world. Through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, the single largest way Presbyterians come together every year, we can connect with one another to work for a better world by advancing the causes of justice, resilience, and sustainability.
Our gifts help to restore hope, feed the hungry, and empower the oppressed by supporting three impactful programs:
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) who works alongside communities as they recover and find hope after the devastation of natural or human-caused disasters. PDA is the organization who reached out to us the day after the church burned and gave us $10,000 to use immediately for our worship needs.
Presbyterian Hunger Program takes action to alleviate hunger, care for creation and address the systemic causes of poverty so all may be fed.
Self-Development of People partners with communities responding to their experiences of racism, oppression, poverty, and injustice and educates Presbyterian about the impact of these on society.
We will collect our One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We hope you will prayerfully consider a donation
Happy Birthday to these members and friends;
Beth Croft March 2
Shirley Hitrick March 5
Rich Ruberti March 6
Dutch Hull March 9
Dick Foster March 10
Ted Rorick March 13
CharlotteHoover Mar 15
Emmit Frisch Mar 16, Sierra Brower March 18
Gloria Robinson March 20
Karen Rulison March 23
Bob Gould March 27