January 2016 Newsletter
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
It’s inevitable! As soon as Christmas winds down and December 31 appears on our calendars, we all face a new year with new opportunities. The New Year’s resolutions are made. Many are resolving to lose weight or gain greater income or set some other goal, typically requiring will power and time management skills — both of which often fade within a few weeks.
What if God were writing our resolutions, what do you think God would come up with? I think for the year 2016, God wants us to make “time for a change.” The Bible shows us consistently that God is a God of change. God is change-agent that changes things, people, hearts and minds.
But change requires of us a paradigm shift of our energies and expressions. We’re all given the same amount of time, and as hard as we try, our calendars often have more control over our schedules and lives than we realize. We get caught trying to do more within our allotted days, leading us to fatigue and frustration when we can’t check off the items on our list.
God doesn’t have the same time management problem we do. God is The Great I am, who was and is and is to come; the Alpha and Omega. What really matters in God’s time? How should we use our time? What does God consider effective use of our time?
From God’s vantage point, life is more of a question about priority and perspective, not time — a life of meaning, not efficiency. Our calendar did not come down from above. It was established by human minds. There is no real reason why one day on the calendar should bear more significance than any other day of the year. Yet still we invest the changing of the year with a great deal of meaning. It is a time of hope, of planning, of vision-casting, to use a business buzzword. And, of course, it is a time for resolutions. Ready or not, it is time to set yourself on a course of self-improvement.
But what if this year instead of making a list of resolutions and trying to cram more into your day, consider making just one. Make time for a change. God sent Jesus to live as one of us and to show us the way, the truth and the life. What if, for the year 2016, we all vowed to make time with Jesus daily. We could be more like Mary who stopped everything to sit at Jesus’ feet to listen to him, to be with him, instead of Martha who got caught up in the busy trap. During our Vacation Bible Schools, the kids have daily God sightings. They pay attention to where they see God during the day and they stop and write them down. Where do you see God each day? Do you even take the time to look?
It takes wisdom to make time for a change, and adjust your calendar to do what is really important. This year, when you look at your calendar, what will really shape your life? Taking the time to be with Jesus changes our perspective on life but we have to recognize His interruptions and respond, instead of carrying on with our busy life. If we make time to be with Jesus daily, we will benefit in other areas of our lives. May you find the time to change this year!
Yours in Christ,
Thank you so much for your very gracious Christmas gift. I so appreciate it. It has been another amazing year at our church and I am so looking forward to the year 2016 to see where God is leading us. Blessings to each of you as we enter 2016.
The second Sunday of each month is Something Beautiful Sunday. Please bring to church something that is beautiful to you. It can be a picture, a knick-knack, or anything that is special and beautiful in your eyes. Place the item on the table at the front of the sanctuary and we will honor those items as gifts from God. 2016 Something Beautiful Sundays
January 10
February 14
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11
Bible Study
Mondays at noon (bring lunch if you would like to) and Tuesdays at 5:30 pm Bible Study continues with several short studies “The Books between the Testaments: What Christians Should Know about the Apocrypha”, “Books that didn’t make the Bible and Why” and “David”. Everyone is welcome to join us even if just for one or two topics.
Thursdays Needlework Group & Quilters
The Needlework Group meets on Thursdays at noon at the church. Bring your lunch and some hand work to keep you busy or just stop by with a good tale or piece of news. Libby Van Nostrand will teach knitting and crocheting or we all help one another. If you have something you want to learn or can teach let her know. We lost track of how many hats and mitten sets we knit in 2015 but there are 20 sets left over for next year (mostly small and medium in size) to distribute with the Santa Hotline gifts next Christmas so we have a head start on our 100 -150 sets for this year. The Quilters usually join us; call Joan Montgomery if you would like to quilt on Thursdays.
January 24Annual Congregational Meeting
The annual meeting of the Mayfield Central Presbyterian Church will take place on Sunday, January 24 immediately following worship with a light lunch to follow. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers, receive committee reports, receive the budget, and approve the Pastor’s terms of call.
Annual reports for the year should be given to Janis Frisch immediately (or you may email her at janisfrisch2@gmail com).
January 25Session Meeting
Session will meet on January 25, 2016 at 6:30 pm. If you have anything to be brought before session, please see Rev. Orth or Janis Frisch.
January 31Ordination & Installation of Officers
Ordination and installation of new officers will take place during worship on Sunday, January 31, 2016.
February 9 Ash Wednesday Service
We are invited to attend the Ash Wednesday Service this year at the Broadalbin Presbyterian Church at 7:00 pm.
Session approved a budget for 2016 and Rev. Orth's terms of call were reviewed. The terms of call will be voted on by our congregation at our annual meeting on January 24, 2016.
Rev. Bonnie will be in Guatemala January 1 until January 19 living with a Spanish speaking family and with a group of four others from the Albany Presbytery to work on a contract with the Mam Presbytery. She will also be going back in February (9-23) for the mission trip. During this time session members will be checking the answering machine for messages and Rev. Linda Martin will handle pastoral needs.
What is Witness Support? What used to be called per capita is now called Basic Witness Support in Albany Presbytery. It is a set amount of money per member that congregations pay to the larger Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). As a connectional church, we all share in the benefits of the PCUSA and so we all share in the expenses of making sure that this system functions and works properly. Congregations pay an annual amount per member each year. This amount is split between the national PCUSA, the Synod level and the Albany Presbytery with the greatest portion going to the Albany Presbytery. The 2016 amount of Witness Support is $43. per member.
If you are able, we ask that you help us by paying your witness support and writing a check in the amount of $43 for each member of your family who is a member of our church. And if you are able, perhaps consider a gift to cover the cost of witness support for someone who is not able to cover their own. Use the enclosed envelope for the donation.
The worship committee continues to work with Pastor Bonnie on the storytelling grant. On January 10th, biblical storyteller Rev. Dr. Timothy Coombs. (more information elsewhere in the newsletter). On February 14th, the children of the Sunday school will be storytellers when they share “A Valentine for Your Enemy”.
Following each storyteller, lunch is provided during coffee hour along with talking points from the storyteller’s theme. Worship committee members have worked hard to decorate the sanctuary and fellowship hall to coordinate with each storyteller’s theme. They have also done an amazing job with preparing the food each time. So many people have helped with the coffee hour refreshments for each of these events that it is impossible to thank them all by name – you know who you are! Thank you to everyone who is helping in any way to make these events successful. Thank you to Ginnie Hall for the special messages on the church sign, and also to Art Dahl for placing and removing the bright yellow “storyteller” signs that show the dates.
Thank you to Deb Hannis and Joan Montgomery for the beautiful advent wreath table decorations, for the front door wreaths and to Joan for keeping the poinsettias thriving throughout the season. Please continue to help with spreading information about the storytellers to your family and friends. They have become very popular and it is important to let people know when they are happening. A quick reminder that each time we have a storyteller, it is “Something Beautiful” Sunday – usually on the second Sunday. Try to remember to bring your beautiful something on those Sundays and be prepared to share their story. Thank you! Nancy Frank
Our Sunday School children presented a delightful Christmas program during the worship service December 20th which was enjoyed by everyone! Thank you to Kelly Wagar and Elaine Putman for their continued dedication to Sunday School and to Judy Wemple, Laurie Harrington and Beth Croft who helped along with all the performers.
If you would like Sunday School envelopes please speak to Art Dahl. Total contributions will be included on parents' contribution records at year end.
There was barely room for anymore chairs in Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary for the cantata this year. It has become an important part of many people’s Christmas tradition and more and more people are coming to this event. Alex Hitrick’s musical group performed before the cantata and Ed Goodemote played the organ afterwards. It was again directed by Noel Wing and Luke Horst. It was a wonderful addition to the Christmas season. Thank you for whatever part you played, as performer or as a listener.
We had a very fulfilling year helping feed the hungry and were able to give out 69 Christmas baskets right before Christmas. We gave out hams or frozen turkeys, stuffing, cranberry sauce, veggies, gravy, eggs, bread and milk cards to all that come to our Food Pantry and Santa Hotline families. Thank you to all who help us with food and monetary donations throughout the year - we could never accomplish this without your help.
Anyone desiring to work at the food pantry on either the first or third Tuesday (12:30 to 4:30) of the month please call Ginny Mei (725-2970) or Crystal Hinkle (661-6314).
Don't forget the third Sunday, January 17, is Food Pantry Sunday. JELLY is always needed because the Regional Food Bank does not give it out, and we can always use cereal, peanut butter and jelly, pasta and sauce. We appreciate all your help. Ginny Mei and Crystal Hinkle
We have a rather complete list of birthdays of our members. If you are not on it and would like to be, please call Ann Mallin at 773-8198 or email her at amallin1@nycap.rr.com.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these members:
Janet Kucel January 4
Mary DiSanto-Rose January 8
Jane Bouton January 10
Mary Seaman January 10
Rae Olson January 17
Andrew Haschytz January 18, 1994
Jane Brower January 19
Evan Dutcher January 26, 1993
Rebekah Haschytz January 31, 1991
Joan Klohe Feb. 1
Thelma Childs Feb. 2
Devin Wemple Feb. 2
Gary DiSanto-Rose Feb. 6
Paulette Warner Feb. 6
Marielyse Frye Feb. 10
Betsy Foster Feb. 11
Julia Fitzgerald Feb. 14, 2004
Stan Kucel Feb. 14
Olivia Orth Feb. 17
Irene White Feb. 17
David Frye Feb. 22
DID YOU KNOW that Pat Ford passed away on January 1st. Our condolences to her family.