• Date: Saturday, November 7th from 4:00-7:00 PM.  Adult dinners: $12.00, children $4.00.


  • Process: 

    1. The church parking lot will be empty and roped off until 4 PM.

    2. Cars will drive on the right hand side of the parking lot and turn left when near the labyrinth to pull up to the back door where they will purchase their tickets for the dinners.

    3. They will then drive to the main side doors to get their dinners and choose either apple crisp or gingerbread.

  • SQUASH will be at the church after the service on both October 25th and November 1st for people to get to take home and cook for the dinner.


  • Many volunteers needed for:

  • Cabbage preparation: Friday, November 6th at  1:00 PM

  • Potatoes: Saturday, November 7th at 9 AM.

  • Ticket taking/take out preparation/directing traffic on Saturday 4-7

  • Baking of Apple Crisp and Gingerbread.