Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Do you know what the longest of the Ten Commandments deals with? It is number 4, taking a day off. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

Isn’t it fascinating that God has more to say about taking a day off than He does about either murder or adultery or stealing. There are 94 words in this commandment, longer than any other commandment. It is almost as if God is saying, "I am not kidding! I really am serious about this - this is not just a suggestion - this is a command." Think about it. God gives us ten critically important instructions about how to live our lives, so important that they will be written in stone and given to Moses to share with the people.

We are just like automobiles. We need to check the gauges on our automobile to see if it is functioning properly. God has given us three gauges by which we can give ourselves a check-up. We have a mental gauge, a physical gauge, and a spiritual gauge. So ask yourself, how is your mental gauge? Are you running on empty, tired, exhausted or are you fully charged and ready to do Gods work?

Next how is your physical gauge? Are you rested? Are you fit? Are you as healthy as you can be? And what about your spiritual gauge? Are you walking with the Lord? Do you feel like you are where you should be?

I am writing this as I am preparing for my Sabbath. We need a change in our routine. We need a mental change. We need to take a break and think about what is really important in life. We need a physical change. We need to get out of the office, the school, the store and get into a new environment where we can be encouraged by other people. We need a spiritual change. We need to be in church where God's word is preached and taught and where we can fellowship with other people who believe God is important too.

As I recharge myself mentally, physically and spiritually, I invite you to do the same. Jesus said, "Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." I am off to spend some time with Jesus.


Yours in Christ,


Mondays and TuesdaysBible Study

We are continuing our Bible study called, I Believe, Help My Unbelief by Ron Lavin on the Apostle’s Creed. This study will be held on Mondays at noon (bring lunch if you like) and on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm.


Lenten Bible Study will begin on Monday, February 20. It is called On the Road to the Cross and it is by Rob Burkhart. This is an eight week Bible study and will be held on Mondays at noon and on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm.


Thursdays  Needlework Group & Quilters

The Needlework Group meets on Thursdays at noon at the church.  Bring your lunch and some hand work to keep you busy or just stop by with a good tale or piece of news.  Libby Van Nostrand will teach knitting and crocheting or we all help one another.  If you have something you want to learn or can teach let her know.    The Quilters usually join us; call Joan Montgomery if you would like to quilt on Thursdays. 




February 5Souper Bowl Of Caring Sunday

February 5th is SOUPER BOWL of CARING SUNDAY.  We as a church have been participating in this national fundraiser for over ten years.  Please join us after church and enjoy some homemade soup for a small donation. We also would appreciate any donations of canned food or cereal for our food pantry.  All monies collected at coffee hour that day will be reported nationally and donated to our pantry.


February 24Friday’s Table

We are scheduled to serve dinner at Holy Spirit Church Community Center, 161 South Main St. Gloversville at 5:30 pm.  Come at 3:30 to help if you are able and we will be done by 6:30.


February 26Mardi Gras Sunday

WHO GOT THE BABY?  We will celebrate Mardi Gras the Sunday before Ash Wednesday at coffee hour.  If you found thebaby in your slice of King cake last year let Libby VanNostrand know.


February 26BBQ Planning

Plan to attend a planning meeting after church on Sunday, February 26 to discuss the barbecue in July. We are going to have to sell 500 chicken halves this year and keep them warm as well as cook potatoes and make more coleslaw and pies.   We will need idears for advertising, ticket sales and any other ideas for making the BBQ a success with the change in Brooks requirements.


March 1Ash Wednesday

There will be an Ash Wednesday service of reflection, prayer and meditation at 7:00 pm.  Ashes will be given to anyone who would like them.



Copies of the annual report are available if you would like one and were not able to attend the meeting.  Call the church office or contact a Session member.  The budget was passed and Rev. Bonnie’s terms of call were approved.


Many thanks to Eileen Brink for serving on the Session for the last six years and to Collen Ulrich and Casey Warner who have agreed to serve a second term.  Gary DiSanto-Rose was nominated and elected to serve on the Session for a three year term.


It was reported that have had two deaths since the last annual meeting (Shirley Plantz and Carol Cownie) and one transfer and five new members giving us 155 members.


Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I’m working on for my Psychology class.  When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, “Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile.”


Rev. Bonnie will be in Guatemala from January 24 until February 14.  During this time Session members will be checking the answering machine for messages and Rev. Linda Martin will handle pastoral needs.


It was decided that the January fifth Sunday mission collection be designated for our PCSUSA mission co-workers.


We will be working on the “Stop Hunger Now” program probably in April.  We will need 15 church members and 15 high school students to prepare 10,000 meals in 90 minutes.  We also need to raise $.29 per meal. Next year we will include the elementary students in this project. 



What is Witness Support? What used to be called per capita is now called Basic Witness Support in Albany Presbytery. It is a set amount of money per member that congregations pay to the larger Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). As a connectional church, we all share in the benefits of the PCUSA and so we all share in the expenses of making sure that this system functions and works properly. Congregations pay an annual amount per member each year. This amount is split between the national PCUSA, the Synod level and the Albany Presbytery with the greatest portion going to the Albany Presbytery. The 2017 amount of Witness Support is $43. per member.


If you are able, we ask that you help us by paying your witness support and writing a check in the amount of $43 for each member of your family who is a member of our church. And if you are able, perhaps consider a gift to cover the cost of witness support for someone who is not able to cover their own.  Use the enclosed envelope for the donation.



This committee is working to collect, type and copy the Lenten Devotional Booklet to be distributed by Ash Wednesday.  With that in mind, we remind anyone who is writing a selection to get it to Nancy Frank by February 1st.  Write it out and leave it in her mailbox at church, send it in the mail (186 Beech Street, Mayfield) or by e-mail  Thank you to everyone who is taking part in this booklet.  We will be passing out our own Lenten devotional booklet on Sunday February 26. If you are not able to make it to church that day and would like to receive a booklet, please call the church and leave a message and we will make sure that you get one. We encourage you to add reading this booklet to your Lenten devotions.


We are also working on a “mural” that Pastor Bonnie will use in her Lenten sermon series about
“the Road to Emmaus”.  Other special additions are in the planning stages so be sure to attend church – especially during Lent – so you don’t miss anything!  We are very fortunate to have a Pastor who is so full of new ideas regarding worship services! 


Worship committee is pleased to have added our newest elder, Gary DiSanto-Rose, to our membership.  So happy to have him as part of this very busy committee!  We are always looking for new members.  It is a great way to be involved in what is happening at Mayfield Presbyterian Church!  J    Nancy Frank, chairperson



This year we will again be using our Lenten Prayer Cross. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing until Easter Sunday, we will have our Prayer Cross up in the sanctuary. Like the Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, this cross is designed for you to write a prayer or a thought, roll it up and place it in the cross. By Good Friday, we are hoping that our cross will be full of our prayers. And then on Easter Sunday, we will see what happens to our prayers



The Sunday school children have been learning about a different disciple each Sunday and they have been sharing what they learned with those in church during the children’s sermon.  Thank you for sharing the interesting facts and thoughts.  On Sunday, February 12th they hope to have a sledding party and Valentine’s Day party.



A Lenten Cantata is in the works for this year to be performed on Sunday, April 9, Palm Sunday.  The cantata is written and composed by Joseph Martin, the composer of our Acclamation and Assurance.  Luke Horst will conduct and singers from other area churches have been invited to participate.  The first rehearsal will be Sat. April 1 from 10am to 2 pm and the final rehearsal will be Tues. April 4 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm.   It is hoped that we will also have a small orchestra to accompany this presentation.  All singers are welcome to join the group.  It is a short-term commitment but “full-term” enjoyment.


In addition, the Broadalbin choir will join ours for 2 anthems to be sung at our church at the Good Friday service.  This, too, would be an occasion where one could sing for this particular day or service.


As always, we welcome those who like to sing, to join the choir and become a port of this important element of church worship.


Mary Lou Bryan and David Childs



…that Vets2farm is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization built for the purpose of providing disabled Veterans a place to heal, farm, grow and give back. Broadalbin First Presbyterian Church is connected to this organization and is promoting the sale of their meat products to help them with their mission.  The pork and chickens are amazing!  If you would like more information go to their website, or call Pastor Linda at 883-8086.  She is a member of Vets2Farm Board of Directors and currently serves as Secretary.  Vets2Farm is located in Little Falls, NY.  


…that Marget Barnett, Melinda Van Patten and Bonnie Van Patten joined the church on January 8?  Welcome!



The Knitters meet on Thursday at noon and enjoy their two hours together.  Last year they made 45 sets of hats and mittens for children in Mayfield.  At this time they have 12 sets which is a great start for 2017.  They also make prayer shawls and pocket prayer shawls which are given to those who are unable to come to church. 


It is a fun time and we encourage anyone who knits or wants to learn how to knit to join us.  Libby VanNostrand is the instructor and very patient and helpful, come and join the group.  Some people bring other hand projects that they are working on.  Feel free to bring your lunch and have a good time with friends while producing something for someone who may not have a hat or mittens.



In March, we are putting together an Alzheimer’s Team. This is a group of folks who will be trained about Alzheimer’s and how to offer support to those dealing with this disease. If you are interested, please contact one of the elders. We will receive training by the Alzheimer’s Association.




Don't forget the third Sunday, February 19, is Food Pantry Sunday.    Food would be welcome anytime!  Especially cereal, peanut butter and JELLY, pasta and sauce, canned veggies and fruit are needed.  I will be away for the month of March and need to have people to help out then.  Sign up on the sign-up sheets or speak me (661-6314) if you can help pick up food on Fridays.

Crystal Hinkle



We are scheduled to serve on Friday, February 24, 2017.  All are welcome, we have a great time preparing the meals.  We range in age from 9 to 80 years young!  We gather at Holy Spirit Community Center, 161 South Main St. Gloversville at 3:30 pm or whenever folks can get there!  We usually serve roast pork, carrots and roasted potatoes!  The bread, salad fixings and desserts are all donated by Price Chopper and Hannaford.


If you can join us please arrive at 3:30 pm or whenever you can, we serve at 5:30 pm and we are all cleaned up by about 6:30 pm, amazing!  Please let Mary DiSanto-Rose know if you can come at or 224-2080.


Warmest wishes,   Mary


Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed.  About 5 seconds after he passed, I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy.



How many times in a lifetime does one celebrate something that is 225 years old?  Well, this year we can all do that.  Our congregation at Mayfield Presbyterian Church is 225 years old this year of 2017.  What a remarkable feat to have something alive and viable after all those many years.  Not only that, this organization is thriving and growing.  We have everyone to thank for that remarkable achievement.


Jane Bouton, Mary Lou Bryan, Nancy Frank and others have been working on activities for the year which will relate to this feat and endeavor to entertain, teach and give opportunity for worship, socializing and eating.


Some of the activities being planned are a kick-off service in February, an original children’s program in June, a concert by Hitrick and Brooks, a program regarding the letters sent from Sunday School classes to the servicemen (Niles letters), a time line, a new photo directory, a night to feature some of our special artifacts and culminate with a catered dinner in September.


If you have ideas for other programs, please tell Jane or Mary Lou.  Thanks


Jane Bouton829-7542

Mary Lou Bryan725-2041



We have a rather complete list of birthdays of our members.  If you are not on it and would like to be, please call Ann Mallin at 773-8198 or email her at

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these members:


Joan Klohe                            Feb. 1

Thelma Childs                    Feb. 2

Devin Wemple                      Feb. 2

Marget Barnett                     Feb. 3

Gary DiSanto-Rose              Feb. 6

Paulette Warner                    Feb. 6

Steve Van Allen                    Feb. 10

Betsy Foster                         Feb. 11

Bob Betler                            Feb. 12

Julia Fitzgerald                     Feb. 14, 2004

Stan Kucel                            Feb. 14

David Childs                         Feb. 16

Olivia Orth                           Feb. 17

Irene White                           Feb. 17