The Rev. Victor Doe and his team construct New Beginnings Christian Academy
February & March
February 7 and March7 Games & Giggles This group is open to everyone and takes place on the first Friday each month from 10 to noon. Speak to Carol Mason 518-661-6685 or Crystal Hinkle 518-661-6314 for more information, come join the fun!
February 9th SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY We will be collecting items for the food pantry as part of a nationwide food drive. Also after church we will have soup which has been donated and bread from Plaza’s Italian Bistro . The youth group will be serving the soup and cleaning up. Join us for a fun time and help support our local pantry.
Food Pantry Dates Feb.11th and 25th. also Mar.18th and 25th. Donations of cereal, soup, potatoes, pasta and jelly in February and March. would be appreciated.
NLH Quilters will meet February 13th and March 13th on the second Thursday at 10 am. Please bring a lunch and enjoy working together making quilts for Palliative patients at NLH. All are welcome. There are many jobs other than sewing! See Nancy Frank or Cindy Davidson.
We will be holding a Mental Health Awareness Sunday February 16. Greg Hitchcock will be doing the sermon talking about his journey and suicide prevention. This topic may be difficult for some people. SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINES National Hotline (US) 1-800-273-8255 English and Spanish, Crisis Text Line Text “SAFE” TO 741-741 The Trevor Project, 866-488-7386( suicide prevention for LGBTQIA+youth)
February 20th and March 20th The Parkinson’s Advocacy and Education Group will meet 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall for discussions and guest speakers. All are welcome. Face masks and social distancing are suggested.
Bible Study takes place each Tuesday at 6pm. The Lenten Bible Study is a study of Luke called “Jesus and the Outsiders, Outlaws and Outcasts” by Adam Hamilton.
Bible studies are available in person at church, on Zoom or on Facebook Live. All are welcome to join. Call the church office 518-661-6566 and leave your name and email address to receive a Zoom invitation.
LENT 40 DAYS - 40 ITEMS Are you searching for an activity to add to your Lenten Journey? Please consider joining this project. On Sunday March 2, 2025 we will have bags and instructions available for anyone who would like to participate. It’s easy ! Starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5, take one item from your closet, cabinets drawers, toybox etc, that you no longer use or need. Place the item in the bag. Repeat each day of Lent. When Lent is over you will have a bag of 40 items to donate, which then bless another. Think about it.
Needleworkers and Painters Women of the church and friends meet on Wednesdays from 9 to 11am each week to knit crochet, hem, paint and talk for two hours of friendship.
March 2 Mardi Gras Sunday Help us ring in Lent with a Mardi Gras party and a King Cake. Do you know who got the “baby” last year?
March 5 Ash Wednesday There will be an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 in the sanctuary.
March 19th Lenten Potluck Supper We will share a Lenten Potluck Supper on Wednesday , March 19 at 6:00pm. Bring a dish to pass and your table service.
MONTHLY CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Rev. Ted Wright convenes a monthly support group for those affected by cancer. It is held on Zoom the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm. And ALL are eligible to attend this monthly online support group: “Living with Cancer.” Here is the Zoom link: j/82596986007?pwd=OU51VS9aNVRBRjd0Q1FDT0lDcTNyUT09 We are faith-based but not judgmental, confidential but not closed. We've been at this now for 6.5 years by constantly welcoming newcomers. Questions? Feel free to ask by writing back.
Albany Presbytery and Mam Presbyterio Prayer Partners/Compañeros de oració
In March of this year, the Albany Presbytery team had a most productive meeting with the leadership of the Mam Presbytery. Among our sharing was their demonstrating to us their innovative way of exploring the Bible in churches, a true sharing of the joys and struggles in ministry, and a desire to establish prayer partners among our congregations.
Mayfield Presbyterian Church has been paired with Agua Blanca Aldea Church in San Juan Ostuncalco. We will mention them in prayer each Sunday and as we establish a relationship with the church we will find out specific needs that they have for prayer. This is simply a prayer partnership. Who doesn’t need a little more prayer. Agua Blanca Aldea Church will also be praying for Mayfield Pres every Sunday also.
If you have particular prayers that you think our church can use, please let Pastor Bonnie know., Periodically we will update you on the prayer partnership and let you know more about our prayer partner church in Guatemala.
The Mission of the Month for February is New Beginnings Christian Academy of Liberia. Our church has supported Victor and his school for many years. He now has 60 children attending his free school. The mission continues… The Mission of the Month for March is Our Food Pantry. This is one of our church’s most valuable outreach programs and continues to have needs and is constantly growing. Donations made be made in the Pink envelopes in the pews.
CONFIRMATION CLASS Pastor Bonnie is holding a confirmation class for young adults thirteen years and older. After completion these youth will be accepted into membership of the church. The confirmation class will be holding a MIDNIGHT RUN on April 4th. They will participate in feeding and clothes of the homeless in NYC. We need donations of men’s clothing, socks, shoes, backpacks, new underwear, toiletries, small bottles of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, comb, razors, soap, wash clothes etc. Please drop them off at the church. On Friday April 4th we will need help to make an assembly line of sandwich makers. At that time we will need donations of ham, cheese and turkey, 200 hardboiled eggs, 400 cookies, 100 juice boxes, 100 small boxes of raisins, 100 bags of chips, 10 gallons of Presbyterian Soup and 10 gallons of hot coffee. We will make sign-up sheets for food.
Albany Presbytery and Mam Presbyterio Prayer Partners/Compañeros de oració
In March of this year, the Albany Presbytery team had a most productive meeting with the leadership of the Mam Presbytery. Among our sharing was their demonstrating to us their innovative way of exploring the Bible in churches, a true sharing of the joys and struggles in ministry, and a desire to establish prayer partners among our congregations.
Mayfield Presbyterian Church has been paired with Agua Blanca Aldea Church in San Juan Ostuncalco. We will mention them in prayer each Sunday and as we establish a relationship with the church we will find out specific needs that they have for prayer. This is simply a prayer partnership. Who doesn’t need a little more prayer. Agua Blanca Aldea Church will also be praying for Mayfield Pres every Sunday also.
If you have particular prayers that you think our church can use, please let Pastor Bonnie know., Periodically we will update you on the prayer partnership and let you know more about our prayer partner church in Guatemala.
Niles Family Scholarship Scholarship applications are available. Two $500.00 scholarships will be given to a graduating senior who has been accepted at a 2 or 4 year college or a trade school or an adult learner going to the same. The person must be active in a faith community as well as participate in activities in the community. They must have two references from a teacher, community leader or clergy. Forms are available in the church office or from Rev. Bonnie and Must Be Submitted by April 15.
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